3 Bladed Leaf


Ey i have this weed plant i been growin it for like 2 weeks now and it has 3 small leafs on it, i can see the 4th leaf popping up. the plant it self is smaller then my pinky. i just wanted to know is it a good sign or bad??? NEED HELP GET BACK AT ME ASAP
I got a 3 leaf plant right now, its just the plant's genetics...
If you ask me I think it's a good thing, the less leaves there are the more light penetration you get =)
I'm gonna clone mine...
I have found that seedlings with 3 cotyledon grow at a slower rate than those with just 2, at least that's my experience.
I stand corrected, just give the plants with 3 cotyledon's a chance (I did), hey they catch back up with and then proceed to over-take the growth of the others with the benefit of producing 2 main cola's on their own... its amazing, everything desires to live as long as it obey's it master... FREE THE LEAF DON'T SPREAD THE GRIEF!!!!!!! :weed: :wall: :weed: bongsmilie


I just noticed the leaves on my new plant have 3 baldes too. Mine is in the flowering stage and buds look good albeit small...I am thinking it is due to the strain. Mine is a sativa, I'm not sure what strain since my friend gave it to me and she couldn't really remember... but I am hoping to harvest twice and clone if I can...
here is a very very very temperamental sativa... it is from the island of maui... i dont think it likes artificial light... this is my first time getting it to flower in hydro, but in soil OUTDOORS it was growing normal... the mother plant which is vegging has normal 5 blade leaves... pic taken 10 minutes before posting this... so its flowering you can see the white hairs...

some of the other leaves (large fan leaves) all have 5 blades, seems the ones NEAR the buds are only growing 3 blades... plant is healthy so im not worried...

ph 5.8
water temp 68f
air temp 81
rh 51%
400 hps
botanicare nutes



New Member
i started with ruderalis, this three lobed thing seems to be related. my ruderalis was a hybrid. three seeds with large 5 lobed leaves, three with three lobed leaves. still experimenting. nice thing is the three lobed smell like lemon.