3 days from 8wks r they done? +rep


Well-Known Member
haha 3 gallon sizes for the nutes! heck no! that would be enough to last you forever. mine are in 32 oz bottles i believe. you dont use much of the grow big and one of the bloom nutes(i forget which one exactly) but the other bloom nute, u use a pretty nice amount. i would just get the 32 oz bottles, you will be good with that


Well-Known Member
Once a person sees what a Ripe Tree looks like, they will never need a Microscope or to ask again my friend.

So, how do you know?

They will look like they are about to die.....literally and then they will take on a Glow, that is unmistakable.....trust me....you will know that you know and will never doubt again.....no matter the Strain.

If you have no choice, but to cut early, try to at least wait until your Trichromes are at least 50% Amber and like any fruit, it will continue to ripen to a point during the drying and curing process.

I hear people talk about the " One Hit Wonder Strain " and does it really exhist......especially for those of us with high tolerance, that medicate daily.

My opinion, is that most powerful Strains are capable of being " One Hit and Done, " I just do not see allot that are being allowed to fully ripen these days.

We all get into positions, but the best position is patience and the ultimate payoff at the end for a man or womens time and effort that they have put into their Trees.

She definately is a Sativa Dominant and I actually had one, one time also go about 18 weeks.....always worth it in the end.


Rev. TheNatural


Well-Known Member
i've been using them for a few years. i've tried just about everything out there and keep coming back. be sure and use the cal/mag supplement cause the nutes are a little light there.:weed:
i'd use about 200 ppm of the bloom nutes to finish off with. keeps buds fatter and it doesn't leave a chem taste.
which ones have you been using for years the batanicare or fox farms? if botanicare what would you suggest using for a cal/mag suppliment if your having such success with botanicare that you keep coming back id like to know what you found works best like i said first grow and im down for all the suggestions i can get that worked for other peopleb:weed:


Well-Known Member
haha 3 gallon sizes for the nutes! heck no! that would be enough to last you forever. mine are in 32 oz bottles i believe. you dont use much of the grow big and one of the bloom nutes(i forget which one exactly) but the other bloom nute, u use a pretty nice amount. i would just get the 32 oz bottles, you will be good with that
lol think you ment i ment each jug was 3 gallons lol no they were 3 1 gallon jugs on ebay i think i saw em but kinda sucks getting stuff off ebay used to love it when i lived in oklahoma but shipping so much to alaska usually doesnt equal such a big saving anymore..


Well-Known Member
Once a person sees what a Ripe Tree looks like, they will never need a Microscope or to ask again my friend.

So, how do you know?

They will look like they are about to die.....literally and then they will take on a Glow, that is unmistakable.....trust me....you will know that you know and will never doubt again.....no matter the Strain.

If you have no choice, but to cut early, try to at least wait until your Trichromes are at least 50% Amber and like any fruit, it will continue to ripen to a point during the drying and curing process.

I hear people talk about the " One Hit Wonder Strain " and does it really exhist......especially for those of us with high tolerance, that medicate daily?

My opinion, is that most powerful Strains are capable of being " One Hit and Done, " I just do not see allot that are being allowed to fully ripen these days.

We all get into positions, but the best position is patience and the ultimate payoff at the end for a man or womens time and effort that they have put into their Trees.

She definately is a Sativa Dominant and I actually had one, one time also go about 18 weeks.....always worth it in the end.


Rev. TheNatural
Truley inspiring post only one of my two plants looks like its dieing but i think its mag deff based on pics of other leafs. and now finally one of my leafs look like the leafs i see in pics of other peoples that have been flowering awhile. you know the pale yellow color and all droopy like the lifes being sucked out of the leaf. this is a good think now in this stage right whats supposed to happen. /sigh one day ill be answereing someones post like this instead of always asking and wondering untill then i have you guys great post though man:hump:


Well-Known Member
ahh shit i just noticed ive made enough post now that im no longer learnging to role a joint but able to roll a joint.... hmm i think this is a perfect time for me to roll a joint:joint: gonna see if i can find where you can look at the rankings see what the next one is lol


Well-Known Member
Truley inspiring post only one of my two plants looks like its dieing but i think its mag deff based on pics of other leafs. and now finally one of my leafs look like the leafs i see in pics of other peoples that have been flowering awhile. you know the pale yellow color and all droopy like the lifes being sucked out of the leaf. this is a good think now in this stage right whats supposed to happen. /sigh one day ill be answereing someones post like this instead of always asking and wondering untill then i have you guys great post though man:hump:
That is usually what they will do; " pulling what is left out of the bud leaves and then completely retracting the hairs. "

However as this picture will show, this is a top bud of a nine week Strain and has every indication of being done and in this picture it was 13 weeks into flowering and still only had milky trichromes in this picture.

Thes girls are truly " done when they are done. "
However, I believe the quotes on the length of time on the flowering of most strains, is based on when they can be harvested and still be great medicine and not actually when they are officially done.

Wait for that glow and it is unmistakable, but yes it does take a while to get it their.

However, the difference is making great medicine and one to two toke and quite medicine,Lol.


Rev. TheNatural



Well-Known Member
First of all, Conrats on what appears to be a successful grow!

As far as when they're done... Get one of these... and wait for the trichomes to be milky, or golden brown....

Or read this ...It's posted by fdd2blk. If your not familiar with him, he's a little eccentric, but an all around growing GENIUS! Haha! Funny as hell, too! Anyways, he's got a small tutorial here... https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/28072-harvest-time-tutorial.html


Well-Known Member
lol its funny ive spent the last few months trying to keep this plant alive and looking healthy and now DIE BITCH DIE!!! lol


Well-Known Member
i know all these ppl keep talking about trichs, but us that have payed enough attention to our grows and have gained knowledge will tell you that the best way to know when it is done is by looking at the pistils. NOT THE COLOR OF THE PISTILS, but when the pistils start to retract back into the buds. When the hairs start to go back into the bud, that is basically your female saying "fuck getting pregnant, i havent been fertilized yet and it aint gonna happen!" Trichs are an alright indicator, but the only thing they are really dependable for is telling you what kind of high your gonna get from your herb. whether its couchlock or uplifting.

as far as where i got the nutes for a good price http://organic-hydroponicsupplies.thebigtomato.com/shared/StoreFront/default.asp?
there ya go bud


Well-Known Member
i know all these ppl keep talking about trichs, but us that have payed enough attention to our grows and have gained knowledge will tell you that the best way to know when it is done is by looking at the pistils. NOT THE COLOR OF THE PISTILS, but when the pistils start to retract back into the buds. When the hairs start to go back into the bud, that is basically your female saying "fuck getting pregnant, i havent been fertilized yet and it aint gonna happen!" Trichs are an alright indicator, but the only thing they are really dependable for is telling you what kind of high your gonna get from your herb. whether its couchlock or uplifting.

as far as where i got the nutes for a good price http://organic-hydroponicsupplies.thebigtomato.com/shared/StoreFront/default.asp?
there ya go bud
thanks bro again for the info gonna give the ones i got a shot though already spent the 40$ on em, started germin the seeds for my next grow to i want them to be ready to put in the dirt on the first or actually rockwool bought some of them too then jiffy pots lol also bought some of these and then 4 gallons have no idea what strain these seeds will be though since they are out of the 20 free seeds i got with my order when i emailed them and asked them what they were they said they were seeds that people sent back in to them so im real courious, germing 6 of them. is rockwool still good to use when growing soil? i really really want to go hydro but think i should get a few grows under my belt first. anyways my girls are doing well not much change in the pistols yest but the buds do seem to be getting more dense pack on that weight girls lol ill post some pics when its been a week since i started this thread gonna def wait at least the two weeks you guys said i needed to wait. ordered a microscope and 2 new books as well but im not sure exactly im supposed to look for with my microscope want be here till the 2nd anyways lol


Well-Known Member
While you're waiting, buy a cheap microscope from Ebay so you can check the triclombs to see if it's truly mature or not. I just bought one for less than $15(including shipping), and it was delivered in 3 days. It does the job perfectly, and even though it's a piece of crap,lol it was well worth the money. Works much better than a magnifying glass, or a jewelers loupe.


Well-Known Member
While you're waiting, buy a cheap microscope from Ebay so you can check the triclombs to see if it's truly mature or not. I just bought one for less than $15(including shipping), and it was delivered in 3 days. It does the job perfectly, and even though it's a piece of crap,lol it was well worth the money. Works much better than a magnifying glass, or a jewelers loupe.
yeah i just ordered one and a couple of new books off amazoon got it for less than $5 with free shipping goes from 60x -100x http://www.amazon.com/SE-Mini-Pocket-Microscope-100x/dp/B001878S7G/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1262090316&sr=8-8 so that should be fun to play with


Well-Known Member
Ok here they are 9 weeks 5 days updated pics as requested what you guys think?
can anyone else only upload two pics at a time what a pain in the ass lol:leaf:



Well-Known Member
looking good besides the nute burn or whatever it was, good it was pretty minor. those still have a couple weeks left. damn sativas


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
looking good besides the nute burn or whatever it was, good it was pretty minor. those still have a couple weeks left. damn sativas
I dont know what that is it cant be nute burn they have only been feed once 3/4 strength in the last 4 weeks. I thought it was a 8 week strain so i flushed and swiched them to straight water at 6 weeks. then when you guys told me two weeks i gave them one more feeding nothig since then. I thought the fan leaves were supposed to start to die like that. starts in the middle of leaves starts yellow turns brown and brittle. BUT 2 MORE WEEKS :cuss:lol you guys are killing me /sigh ok ok i will listen...