3 days into flowering(pics)


Active Member
My outdoor plants is around 3 and a half months old. planted her kind of late. This Friday i noticed the first flowers. Just wanted some expert eyes to tell me how she looks and how shes coming along. The first couple pictures are from about a month ago she went through hell the first couple months then i started to research.

For flowering i will be using Bio Canna flora and PK 13/14, along with Cannazym.

Also does this plant favor a sativa or indica more?

+ Rep for advice or any kind of info.



Well-Known Member
Hey Mate, she is a lil small for 3 1/2 months of growth.. Did she not get much light??
On the plus side its definitely a girl, looks hybrid 50/50 Sativa/Indica.
Nurture her through the stretch she is about to undertake and you should still get a decent yield from her.
Hope This Helps :joint:


Active Member
Hey Mate, she is a lil small for 3 1/2 months of growth.. Did she not get much light??
On the plus side its definitely a girl, looks hybrid 50/50 Sativa/Indica.
Nurture her through the stretch she is about to undertake and you should still get a decent yield from her.
Hope This Helps :joint:
This is my first grow and i didnt know what i was doing till a month and a half in. Thats why shes small. tHANKS FOR THE INFO.


Active Member
Are you using any molasses? I would def use it! The molasses is good for nutrients Oh and if you use molasses its a tbsp a gallon but don't use it more then once a week. It does seem to need more light so you get bigger bud production! Also depending on where you are you may want to start thinking about if you have to bring her in if it gets to cold b/c she will die if it frosts!


Active Member
Are you using any molasses? I would def use it! The molasses is good for nutrients Oh and if you use molasses its a tbsp a gallon but don't use it more then once a week. It does seem to need more light so you get bigger bud production! Also depending on where you are you may want to start thinking about if you have to bring her in if it gets to cold b/c she will die if it frosts!
im in texas im quite aways from a frost.
where can i get mollasses


Active Member
lol sorry I'm silly I didn't see you were from Texas Yea you can buy Molasses at any grocery store!