3 days into indoor "god budd" grow

hey,im growing for the first time i have done some research before i started and ive helped a few freinds everyonce in a while with there's but obviously i need too know more. ive already started the grow so i dont need any help with that,but id apreciate any tips or idea's to improve. unfortunatly i do not have a camera right now cause mine broke so im not going too be able to post pics from the start of this grow,but ill make sure i do when i start the nxt batch. i started with germinateing the seeds in a wet paper towel rolled up and put into a mason jar, i put it beside a heater opening the jar every 12 hours to give the seeds oxegen and within 2 days the roots were out about 3 cm so i planted them in some clean natual dirt from my yard(i know most growers use fertilizers but i want a natural grow) i am using 2 florecent light right now and after 4 days one of the plants is already about 3 inches tall the other ones bout 1/12 and the 3rd one didnt make it,thats where im at i will be posting every day or 2 on my progress,like i said any tips would be apriciated.


Active Member
Well first things first, Change that outside dirt to soilless mix. Never take any dirt from outside and put it inside. That invites critters and all sorts of nastys to enter your room. Other than that keep it up! Happy Growing!
Thxs, 2nd entry: Plants are still growing looking good so far,moved them too a window beacause ive heard not too many ppl had very good luck with this,but the window i have them in is hidden gets 10 hours of light a day and is about 80" degree's all the time so i think it should turn out pretty good,since i moved them one grew about 3cm which is pretty good since i only put them in at about 6 this morning and its 8 now, the other one didnt grow quiet as much but it turn a darker green,will be updateing again tommorrow.
3rd entry:top leafs getting bigger still growing strong switched the plants over to some coffee cans i washed out for a bigger container(and yes i was very careful moving them) and i got some miracle grow today and was wondering before i ruin my plants if boiling it into water would make a difference on the plant and if it would still help it grow??? anyone who has tried this before?? or knows what it would do??
i know about the different lighting,soils too use and not too use,watering times 12/12 cycle 18/6 hour cycle and the procedure of how too make them short full with budd instead of tall and branchy how to germinate them, but not sure when i should switch them over to the 12/12 cycle right now there in a window with a light beside them till i can switch them to the cycle them im just moving the light out and gonna do a window grow
7th day into the grow: plants still seem to be progressing but one got a little weaker since i switched containers 2 days ago but it popped out of that today.using some miracle grow seems too be working pretty good plants are turning a darker green,leaves getting bigger etc...
Do your babies a favor and go get them some Fox Farm Ocean Farm, if they dont have that look for something with bat guano, earthworm castings, and a good amount of perlite. Dirt from the yard is not good, i understand you want to go "organic" or give it the most natural grow you can, however there can be no nutrients, pests, diseases, too many nutrients, not sufficient aeration, or a ton of other problems. Yard dirt is shit, especially where im from. The coffee cans can be a bad idea, did you drill drain holes in the bottom? Is the can aluminum and able to rust? Rust and no drainage is a good way to bring on a shit ton of problems, rust may even kill, but that idk. You dont want to switch anything to 12/12 untill you are ready to flower (make buds), and when you do get ready to do that you want to make sure your plants are female and not male. I wouldnt put a plant in a window, i understand it gets 10 hours of sun a day, but my seedlings had 18 hours of light a day. In a nutshell, when the lights are on, the plant is gathering energy. When the lights are off, the plant is using that energy, so why would you allow your plant to spend less time gatering energy (10 hours of light, and were getting close to DST which means less daylight for you), and more time spending the energy it gathered (14 hours of night)? And dont even get me started on Miracle Grow, some of the worst nutes/medium out there. You got a long way to go but your at the right place to learn! It is alot of fun and ALOT to learn, im still very new to it as well. Good luck to you my friend! Ill help out in any way i can. Like the guy above me, pictures tell a thousand words.