3 fan leaves per node? wtf?


Active Member
Ive got a six footer thats been topped once so it has two main stalks. one of them looks totally symmetrical and normal and the other started shooting out 3 fan leaves at every node. anyone ever seen one do this? Now theyre starting to stagger i guess showing theyre sexually mature but the other main stalk (still on the same plant) still just has two symmetrical evenly spaced fan leaves per node. I dont see how this could be a bad thing but i just find it odd. The plants growing at 2+ inches a day still and mine lastyear didnt flower until august 12th so should the fan leaves be staggering already? thanks in advance


Active Member
tomorrow ill take some, its dark and a long fucking walk through a thicket. i think i may have taken one with my cell camera when i was high one day, lol ill go check.


Well-Known Member
has it had nute burn i had a plant do that when i burned it as a seedling it grew some monster buds


Active Member
nah it was started inside under fluero's in plain orgain potting soil and vegged for 2 weeks before it was put out. It didnt get fed for another 2 weeks after that but the soil is pretty rich. Im using a very diluted hydroponic fert. every other time i water. There's no yellowing or burnt tips or anything besides some burnt leaves on the bottom from my dumbass foliar feeding them a couple times on sunny hot days when they were first put out.


Active Member
cant find the pict on my phone but i'll take one tomorrow with my camera if i get a chance


Active Member
Finally made it back out to the girls, its been raining like crazy since yesterday morning, here's a pict of the 3 leaved freak.


Active Member
basically the same shot but with the flash on, just made it harder to see. it really looks like it was meant to grow like that.


Active Member
thats what im afraid of, and this is the plant ive taken some clones from too. :( My gardens quickly diminishing...


Well-Known Member

I would not be overly concerned, plants grow crazy all the time.
I have had plants with only single bladed leaves - and they turned out great.

Think of it this way: more bud-sites.


Well-Known Member
It's most likely just the genetics. However, it still could turn out to be male. I guess you got a 50/50 chance.


Active Member
Just an update, went and took some new picts of the freak with a better camera today. Its amazing how much it can grow in a day. It looks to be super happy and ive been increasing the nutes a little lately which only seems to have helped. We had a good rain the other night followed by two sunny and warm but not too hot days and i think it easily grew 4-5 inches. I just hope its a girl!!!!



Well-Known Member
why do you speak of your plants that way? "freak"? :shock:

they often grow 3 leaves per node. it's not really that uncommon.


Active Member
I only call it a freak behind its back, i wouldn't wanna give any bad vibes to it. I do talk to it as i water though, but i assume thats somewhat normal if such a thing exist


Active Member
just and update on the my tri-fan plant. We had a huge storm with very high winds that basically tore my baby apart about 4 days ago. It split it in half where it was topped and the two sides fell apart from each other. I used bamboo to hold the two sides back up and taped the shit of it with elect. tape to hold the torn part together tightly. Its been 4 days now and while there's some wilting, i think it may pull through if we can get a break from these fucking storms. im keeping my fingers crossed but definitely not getting my hopes up for it. Im just leaving it alone and letting it try to heal its self. If anyone has any advice on what, if anything, i should do let me know. Ive had some come back from some bad shit but never after having the stalk split so we'll see what happens. I'll keep updating this as long as she's living.