3 Fan leaves?


New Member
I have a plant (not sure sex) but a branch off of it has sets of 3 fan leaves instead of the normal 2. What does this mean and what other things usally come with this?


Well-Known Member
Means extra bud sites....if its what I think ur saying.... do u have 3 new growth spots at the node instead of 2?....if so its kinda normal...its a good thing


Active Member
its a mutant for sure, BUT it could pop some awesome bud, i had an outdoor do that and it was twice the size as the rest of te plants, ide keep it going!!!
Yepp def a genetic abnormality. I would just keep an eye on it and take care of it like she was any other grow, I don't think it means anything crazy for the plant but who knows?


Well-Known Member
It's called a "trifoliate" leaf structure. Pretty common, they usually revert to opposing leaf/branching after a bit. Nothing to be concerned about.


Well-Known Member
Ur gonna have 3 branches instead of the normal two at that node...actually at all the nodes from there up...if u top it there ull get 3 tops....its a good thing


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by opposite branching?

Had kind of a brain fade there, my bad, even though you have 3 leaves per NODE you still have opposite branching. As opposed to alternate branching.

The NODE is the portion of the growing stem that gives rise to the side growth.

Usually MJ plants switch from an opposite growth pattern to an alternate growth pattern during the flowering period.


Well-Known Member
I've got one that did the same thing goin now...its long since been topped....n topped again....it happens


Well-Known Member
Its called "alternate nodes"...when the plant matures enuf it'll start staggaring its branches instead of side by side


Well-Known Member
Its called "alternate nodes"...when the plant matures enuf it'll start staggaring its branches instead of side by side

This is incorrect.

Staggered (alternate branching) does usually start after the plant enters flowering phase. Three leaves per node is still opposite.


Well-Known Member
This is incorrect.

Staggered (alternate branching) does usually start after the plant enters flowering phase. Three leaves per node is still opposite.
I've got.plants in veg right now w alternate nodes...its a maturity thing not a flowering thing....


Well-Known Member
And 3leaves per node is not opposite...it doesn't mean anything except he has an extra branch or bud site there


Well-Known Member
This is incorrect.

Staggered (alternate branching) does usually start after the plant enters flowering phase. Three leaves per node is still opposite.
yup you are wrong you must grow some dinky plants if you don't see it in veg