3 foot plant


New Member
have a plant its now 3 foot tall and was topped its a monster 12 weeks old and only now putting it in flower, was ment to do this weeks ago,my question is how high would you expect it to get by end of flower am i going to need supercroping have 7 foot to the celing


Well-Known Member
IME the longer you veg the less stretch you have to deal with.

What size light?
This will be the biggest factor in your plant height.

400w - no taller than 3ft at the end of flower
600w - no taller than 4ft at the end of flower
1000w - no taller than 5ft at the end of flower.

The above references for plant height is based on the penetration power of each light.



New Member
under 250 watt hps at the min but going under 400 in 3 weeks, the lower branches are all nearly level with the two main tops,alot of light getting through its also bout 2and half feet wide if not 3

P Sleezy

Depends also on your breed, if you have a sativa dominant plant it could double pretty easily the first 3 weeks of flower. Indicas are usually pretty tame height-wise maybe a 25-30% hike. My old super lemon haze used to go from 12-15 inches to 36-48. However I have never vegged for more than 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
You've already outgrown your lighting power.

You've even outgrown your next 400 light.

How imperitive is it that you switch to flowering?

My honest answer to you (time dependant) is to take around 20 clones and root them.

Then you can either flower them all under the 400 once rooted and do a SOG style grow, or veg the strongest 4-6 clones for around 2-3 weeks and then flower them.

Or you could veg 4 clones for around 4 weeks with training and then flower them.



Well-Known Member
Totally depends on the strain. I've never seen an Indica go over 4' to 5', but if you have a Sativa mix, you will get 6' to 7' easy with that amount of veg. You should have stopped at 5 weeks indoors for any Indica, and 4 for a Sativa. Also, you could be smoking it now, if you did. Never do it again. Peace


New Member
cheers yes i was supose to flower a while back but had one light and one space,have 3 photo plants and 2 autos, the autos kept me back first compleat spur of the moment grow but not the last, movin the autos out now only gettin a loan of the 400 have to get one of my own might go 600,if anything i have learnt lessons on this grow only one of the 3 are that tall other twe not toped they are 2 foot tall cheers again


Active Member
trim off everything that isn't on the very end of each branch. Light wont get to the small buds below the end of each branch. the plant uses a lot of energy to grow those little buds. depending on the size of your lights you might have to trim off all lower branches, lollipop, it's really a waste of energy to leave them on. a good way to confirm this is with a light meter. if you trim lower buds and leave branches also leave the leaves. only trim off the actual buds. the leaves will still collect light energy that will go to the remaining upper buds. also the lower leaves that you left on the plant will die off first in the event of a nute imbalance leaving the upper leaves that support the remaining buds intact longer.
it's all about PAR, or how much light energy actually reaches the surface of the leaf that supports the bud. that's why the buds closest to the light source are always bigger. it's physics.


New Member
thanks people think im going to have to grow the three photos under one light maybe have to supercrop the monster and see what happens il put pics on this thread when they are done before and after cut no idea what strain they are but sure wel see you can tell me what youy think they are when i post the pics two are suposidly jack herer but im not so sure cheers guys