3 gal pots are big enough?


I am just getting going with my new grow room and want to thank everyone for the input and help to get me going. I just wanted to check to make sure before I transplant my 10 girls that 3 gallon pots are big enough. That's what I have read anyway there ok. anybody have different take on that ? I hope not I have a bunch of them :wall:


Well-Known Member
It depends on your method of growing. If you plan on feeding nutes everytime you water with bottled nutes or guano teas that will be fine. If you do water only method like super soil and liviing organics then 5 gal is the minimum. Really I wouldn't do less than 7 gal for those methods.

I myself do living organics and my own soil recipe in 7 gals. I have 9 plants in a 4x4 right now.

What ever method you choose I suggest fabric pots. Viagrowtm from amazon is what I use. Cheapest price around too. Better quality than smart pots

Also do compost teas and enzyme teas too. The best thing for any soil plants.


Well-Known Member
3 gallons is fine if you plan on vegging for about 5 or so weeks.i think 7 gal is too much,especially in a 4x4 tent.theres only so long you can veg 9 plants in a tent that big,so 3-4 gallons is all you need.and why would you need to feed everytime if growing in 3 gallon pots?every other is all you need,whether you use a lightmix soil or something stronger.


Well-Known Member
Depends on space. I have a. 8x8 room not a tent. I lst too. They finish at 3 feet tall from soil surface and even canopy. But the 9 plants take up 4x4... if you do super soil or living organics or main lining in less than 5 gal you will have all kinds of problems and deficiencies. Super soil is too hot for 3 gal. If you go smaller use bottle nutes or guano teas. the larger and more and healthier the roots the larger the buds and larger the yield.

If you plan on vegging for more than 30 days. Then 3 gals are too small. I veg in 3 gals for 30 days and they are usually rootbound or close to it at that time. Then I transplant into 7 gals. My recent batch in veg I vegged in 1.5 gals for 2 weeks then tansplanted into 7 gals.

Like I said it all depends on your methods.


Thanks all for the good insight and pic's, I transplanted today into the 3 gal pots . My plants are about 10" tall with exception of one that's bin ahead of everyone else from the get go. I used a mix of regular ace potting soil 2/3 and ace steer manure 1/3 . water with Dnya grow per instructions and dyna-bloom when I get to that stage. Plants look good so far, My space is a 12x12 air tight I just finished in my shop with Co2 set up, 3-600 watt vented lights that all needs dialed in yet, but my plants are still in my house under T5's. So my transition into the new room , lights and environment will be interesting. Little nervous about that ! middle next week I make the move. anyway thanks for the potting/growing advice. Wish me luck next week bongsmilie