3 leaf plant help!


I am a newbie at growing. This site has helped me out tremendously to get started. My very first grow resulted in 3 leaf plants. I started out with 2 seeds and both took very well but produced 3 leaf plants. They are about 2 weeks old and are only about 8 inches tall or so. very healthy and smell great already. Is this wrong or are the plants bad? Please advise....



Well-Known Member
the # of leaves or the # of "points" a leaf has , dont have anything to do with how it is gonna be............ does it look bad? i have seen 1 point leaves all the way up to a 14 point leaf , and its all normal ! just keep goin and readin and "soakin up" every bit of knowledge you can get your hands on!

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
This is a Three leaved plant and is finishing up nicely. I thought the same thing when it was vegging. Grow the bitches out and good Luck



Well-Known Member
it's called a triploid. If, what you're talking about, is what i'm thinking of. If it's a female, instead of getting 2 buds per branch, you'll get 3.