3 leaved plants?


Well-Known Member
Ok so you see that too? I was wonderng why he said nothing was snapped. I figured I smoke too much. I was like.. I'm clearly looking at a snapped branch or I'm really blunted
Inwas meaning
Ok so you see that too? I was wonderng why he said nothing was snapped. I figured I smoke too much. I was like.. I'm clearly looking at a snapped branch or I'm really blunted
When I said nothing has snapped I meant from the training, like I stated the one that is hanging for dear life was like that when I got the clones. Didnt feel like doing anything with it so said fuck it.
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Well-Known Member
Thats the one I was talking about when i said it came like that. Im not really too worried about onebranch at this point.
May as well bend it the other way then because that top is a goner sitting as is, and the whole point of the plant leaning the way it is would be for that snapped branch to get more light and catch up to the canopy.