3 month but no bud!!help


Active Member
Brand freakin new 2 growing, this is my 1st grow!! I've been useing the aero garden the whole time but no bud. I've been on the 12/12 pretty much the whole grow but no bud......just moved it out the AG this morning


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ok, relax & take a breath - first of all your plant looks beautiful - a bit stretchy, but healthy. Now, you need a bigger pot SOON, that one is way too small. Get one that holds a couple gallons of soil, transplant before she (if thats what it is) begins flowering.
Next you're gonna have to supply additional info.
How about;

lighting information, ie.. hourly schedule, wattage, lamp type etc...

Nutrient information, ie.. NPK, type, dosage, etc...

Lets start there & I'll do what I can to help.


Active Member
Great white north's got some damn good points. Also, make sure that its 12 hours of light and 12 hours of complete darkness. Even a 60w lightbulb can mess with the hormone cycle. They really are the female of the two lol.


Active Member
As far as the watering, light, Nuts and all that good stuff....The AG was handling all that untill yesterday morning about 12 days ago I went to homedpot and picked up a philips Plant light witch really started making it grow TALLER. My lighting is 12/12 8am-8pm on. Oh and I got the seeds from a bag of stress weed. 2 just test it out you know. How lucky was I 2 get a female 1st try 1 plant lol


Well-Known Member
any light at all in the dark period can (at worst) put your plant bak in to fulltime veg mode for ever,,

my first ever grow did this because i was stupid and didnt make the flower box light proof,,

it never ever budded just turned into vegtable,,,lol


Active Member
any light at all in the dark period can (at worst) put your plant bak in to fulltime veg mode for ever,,

my first ever grow did this because i was stupid and didnt make the flower box light proof,,

it never ever budded just turned into vegtable,,,lol

It has no balls so it has 2 be female. or atless better be lol. I never knew you could get stuck in Veg stage for ever lol:confused:


Well-Known Member
ok s its got no balls but has it got any white pubes ?????????????????
are u using buddin nutes or veg?
whats the npk?


Active Member
ok s its got no balls but has it got any white pubes ?????????????????
are u using buddin nutes or veg?
whats the npk?

No white pudes yet. and like I said earlier. It was in the AG till a few days ago. I used wat was provided. So I'm unsure of all that lol. sorry im not much help lol


Well-Known Member
My advice would be to get it in a light proof box
stick it on a 12/12 light timer and go to ur local garden centre and get some tomato nutes,
make sure u read the back,, npk 10/2/10 is like veg ratio look for something like npk 2/10/10 for example is for budding,,

n=nitrogen ,,less is needed for budding, too much can halt budding
p=phosphorus,, alot more is needed for budding than vegging
k=potassium,, needed during budding & vegging ut more in budding

heres an example n5/p1o/k15 would be for budding..

Tomato nutes work sweet if u dont wana spend bucks on nutes