3 month old lsd plant over night falls over:/

Hello people ive been taking care of my babies for quite a while, one time i found some mold on the stem of the plant, i hydrogen peroxide to fix that. Now just recently this has happened, ive looked at a lot of stuff online and it sounds like a calcium deficiency to me. but i must say im quite the newbie at this. as far ive changed the plants water out and cleaned the hell out of the areogarden crap. please help me!! im open to any ideas upon what to do....DSC04389.jpgDSC04386.jpgDSC04384.jpgDSC04381.jpgDSC04379.jpg:idea:


Well-Known Member
not being funny mate, but if that is 3 months old bin it and read up a little more, we are here if you need help, but that looks fucked. overwatered and lack off light imho and your res temps are probably high.


Active Member
this only happens to me when the roots are drying out....

raise your nutrient levels...

it lookes to me as you plants cant absorb water fast enough to replenish its transpiration rates.

this also happens to cuttings i place in the aero if they dont have roots yet, althought if u place the cutting directly into the water or nute solution it continues to grow without wilting like this.

is this a home made aero??? your water levels must we too low, and maybe your roots have rotted and turned brown??? can u check this, ive saved many plants in this state with just a watering (they are in pots, hydro non the less) i feed water to fix it, so its something to do with your roots.

and also those wooden stakes are perfect for mold to grow and they absorb water, use plastic.

although by now your probably hooped.


Active Member
seriously folks this is the opposite of over watering... in a little system like that to stop over watering all u have to do is raise the strength of the solution so it takes up a more nute to water ratio...

i have expierience with this.

My res temps get up to 80f and my roots are all fine, i just do not submerge the roots in too deep water...
although the spray nosels in the aeroflo for sure add more oxygen then this little setup...

also an undercurrent set up i've had experience with get up to the same res temps, and two air stones in each bucket keep enough oxygen for my roots to be white.


Active Member
not being funny mate, but if that is 3 months old bin it and read up a little more, we are here if you need help, but that looks fucked. overwatered and lack off light imho and your res temps are probably high.
your definately right, by now the plant is done for...

Can u send a picture of the inside of your system with the nute levels (heigth of solution in the bucket), this will clear a few things up and u can get some help or better insight on your next trial.
your definately right, by now the plant is done for...

Can u send a picture of the inside of your system with the nute levels (heigth of solution in the bucket), this will clear a few things up and u can get some help or better insight on your next trial.
The areo garden is just a regular normal one I bought. Yeah the roots and sort of brown and just a few are deteriorating. Ill change out the wood sticks for straws when I get home, also ill send a pic of the roots and such. Thanks everyone for your help! I'm going to homedepo to get a new pot for my outside plant that is budding and now like 4 inches just underwater. Any tips on digging it up and the soil I should get, also anything else that could help my LSD plant. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
the idea behind LST is to train the plant down, making it grow lower down to the ground than it wants to.. making use of an abundance of light

what you have done is use sticks to support the stretching stalk as it reaches for the light it is starving for

but the biggest problem is the stem rot
your definately right, by now the plant is done for...

Can u send a picture of the inside of your system with the nute levels (heigth of solution in the bucket), this will clear a few things up and u can get some help or better insight on your next trial.
The areo garden is just a regular normal one I bought. Yeah the roots and sort of brown and just a few are deteriorating. Ill change out the wood sticks for straws when I get home, also ill send a pic of the roots and such. Thanks everyone for your help! I'm going to homedepo to get a new pot for my outside plant that is budding and now like 4 inches just underwater. Any tips on digging it up and the soil I should get, also anything else that could help my LSD plant. Thanks again


Active Member
what is your nutrient strength, it seems low to me with all that yellowing starting from the new growth.

what do u mean your out door plant is 4 inches under water?? :S
Its done for guys, im just gonna start smoking it i think....lol

DSC04432.jpgthe good news is i managed to clone it! i think they look alight in my opinion, but please tell me what you think. DSC04433.jpg
Also the plant i said was underwater, i dug up and planted in some new soil and stuff. I think it looks pretty sweet, please let me know of any recommendations. :leaf: Its a Nirvana Ice seed.
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Active Member
the clones will make it, i think u just let your resevoir evaporate (or plant transpired) and u didnt top it off again. since you dont have large net cups (deep) you will have to top off very often at the water levels decrease.
i just dont get it guys, i thought they were looking good. but now there just following there mothers stupid footsteps. :wall:
Don't feel to bad. I'm having a horrible time growing as well. My seeds don't even sprout 90% of the time. Haha. I'm thinking of just givin' it up and just going back to buying my dope from kids in the park.. :P


Well-Known Member
i just dont get it guys, i thought they were looking good. but now there just following there mothers stupid footsteps. :wall:
you need to sterilize everything mate if you have had root rot, that shit will hang about for years if not cleaned out properly. sorry for your loss.


Active Member
this guy hasnt showed his roots so we dont know if its root rot, this looks like the plant was deprived of water and nutes. this is how my plants look after i forget to water them!!!

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Its done for guys, im just gonna start smoking it i think....lol

View attachment 2261108the good news is i managed to clone it! i think they look alight in my opinion, but please tell me what you think. View attachment 2261109
Also the plant i said was underwater, i dug up and planted in some new soil and stuff. I think it looks pretty sweet, please let me know of any recommendations. :leaf: Its a Nirvana Ice seed.
View attachment 2261106 View attachment 2261107
Weak mother=weak clones. You would be better of putting that plant in the bin and starting again.