3 People- Alive or Dead, you'd like to go Bowling and Drinking with.

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
And how often do you hang out with Snoop?
Only twice have I met him, can’t say we hung out, just at the same venue and spoke. My point was he’s not someone to worship as dead or some sex symbol. The other two he selected were Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt, an obvious sex related choice. whatever.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure this dude was banned once already.
LOL I'm guessing they banned me because -YOU- supposedly don't like my posts, which you for some reason, can't help reading?? :rolleyes:

No, my dear, you are experiencing what we call
"goldfish syndrome" from too much chronic.


Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
You guys/ girls know WTF sub forum you are attempting to read right?
Here I'll help -
Toke N Talk
The place to be, talking with people as baked as you are!

So you are illiterate, not high, or very lonely, sad people to be lambasting ANY topic where you are supposed to be high to play.
Just my highly accurate $.02 of thoughts.:blsmoke:
So sensitive. Nobody said anything about your topic.