3 plants and fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
Hiya guys. Been a bit since I posted but have been pretty busy working alot and trying to win the war on drugs with my lighter and bong.
Heres my question, now my plants are relatively small, about 4 1/2 ".
They are however very healthy and quite green. (One towers over the other two by the way I dont know why that is). Its also the only one that has the pot smell. Anyway, Im about to whip up a batch of PH balanced water in a container the size of a 1 litre bottle. Now I have some all purpose fertilizer that has a balance of 7-7-2. The pellet type. Does anyone now the safest amount to add to the water guaranteeing that it doesnt burn the plants? Keep in mind that they have never been introduced to any outside elements such as nutes, or anything like that. I can handle a little underfertilization and slow growth, but for obvious reasons fert burns are bad, sooooo
anyone know the best amount and/or method for me to go about introducing nutes to my small plants? Thx in advance guys, I tried to look up the amouts but found mostly bigger formulas for bigger amounts of mary jane.


Well-Known Member
hey there. i think u introduce nutrients at about 3 weeks. i just started adding 5ml per 1 litre. 1 of my plants is towering above the others as well.mine are nearly 4 weeks old. and the bigset one is a foot tall now and the same wide,stems are really thickening.didn't know i was so green thumbed lol.


Well-Known Member
lol I didnt realize I could grow anything ether besides the usuall fungus on a pile of laundry. Im starting to wonder if maybe 2 of my plants are male and the other is a female and thats why its bigger and stinks? err anyway, thx for the response bro, I really dont remember how long since I germinated but Im guessing inbetween 4 to 5 weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
theres no way of knowing if its female or male till u start flowering.im gonna be gutted if my big plant thats lovin life turns out to be a dude.


Well-Known Member
Hey skynet, it sounds like you have some nice babies going, size will vary, dont worry about that yet. You should think about getting some nutes designed for pot. They are usually under $40.00 for a nice sized supply.


Well-Known Member
Heya Vid, thanks for the advice, Im going to look it up now. Im kind of using all the mickey mouse supplies I have until I get paid lol
Puppy chewed up the webcam so no pics yet, but soon as I buy a new one Ill post em. Im sure these plants have a million deficiencies, but being my first grow, Im not expecting much,I do however want to manage a yeild, even if its not very much. Atleast that way when I order the white widow and haze seeds Il have a tiny bit of experience and can make major improvements.


Well-Known Member
Get some foxfarm dude, you can get the 3-pack which will take care of all your plants needs for under $40.00 and have plenty leftover for yr next grow too. Its kinda hard to mess this up.