3 Plants One bucket DWC Can I remove 1 Plant and leave roots behind?


So the question Im asking is I have a bucket ready to flower. I want to remove the smallest plant because it doesnt need to be in there quite yet. If I do this itll leave a significant amount of roots behind. Im wondering if those roots will be fine for a just a few weeks and would the plant with the newly trimmed roots survive as well. Any information would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks in advance fellas


Well-Known Member
The roots left behind will start to decay but everything should be good if your only talking about a couple weeks. Add some h2o2 if your worried about bacterial buildup but 2 weeks shouldn't be enough time for anything to happen. Flush the reservoir after a week if you really want to be anal about it. The plant you remove will go into shock depending on how much of it's roots you disturb. Be careful and try and shake and detangle as much of it's roots as you can without breaking any. It might not grow for a couple weeks after transplant and will need some TLC.


SO what do you think about 6 weeks should I even attempt it or just go with the flow and wait for my clones to catch up for the next run


Well-Known Member
With 6 weeks u run a big risk of root rot killing the others

Edit : y r u removing one there might be other options


I just wanted a back up plan in case clones didnt make it. I looked today and one has rooted in 5 days so its not a big deal leaving it. The reason I wanted to remove it is because it is smaller then the rest in there and I would have liked to get that stalk as thick as the rest of them you know no waste. But ill take the advice and leave em. Noted about root rot. Ive only ever had it with soil never with DWC *knocks on wood*