3 Random Bag seeds All CFL Grow!!


Well-Known Member
So s7even and I decided to chop the party cup plant.
The poor thing was getting uglier and uglier with zero signs of improvement.
All iS not lost though. We got about a half, maybe more. Still drying though, and will be for a few more days- however, we micro-dried a bud last night and smoked it. Was good, fairly tasteless, got me kinda high, wasnt a huge bud but worked.

I ended up going through the soil so i could see the roots and what all happened.
Acter shaking off all the loose top soil, i noticed that the roots were still so tightly packed in the shape of the cup that was once her home. Next time i plan of breaking up the roots a lot better.
Oh well, we tried and It worked pretty well! Pics to come.


Active Member
its crazy how much the buds shrink as they start to dry out, they are still wet and moist on the outside but I think one more day or two and I can pop them into a jar for curing. As for the other big ass plant its doing great! Today will be its last ripening watering before its week of flushing, I also have some Zyme pills that are made for flushing so that will help speed the process along. When the lights turn on later today ill go take some new pictures for you guys


Active Member
yeah it's a big girl hey! that's just the one plant in there now and she takes up almost all of the space, but that's only because we let her grow how she wants we never trimmed anything threw veg but next grow i plan to do some trimming so i can keep them nice and neat in there and fit more then 2 comfortably in the tent


Well-Known Member
back off the N........imo. really dark green for this far into flower. high N levels can lead to bud rot in the right environment.


Well-Known Member
Hey Scrog, I am curious to know if plants normally "dye off" before being fully ready. i believe we are around 60 days into flower and the leaves on that 1 plant have never changed. We havent been feeding any aditional N, just whats in the GH Flora series fert. We have been using. I havent noticed any change at all in any leaves, aside from the very bottom ones when we first transplanted her... Then we pulled them off. Right now we are flushing for her final week- then to the chopping block, drying, curing and SMOKING. May use all the sugar leaves and such to bake with-- or a light batch of hash, still unsure.
Next grow, I am keen on using an hPS for her flowering, i want more light!

Guitar guy

Active Member
My white widow is in her final stretch of flowering and I too don't have the dying off of the leaves that people usually have. Maybe because I'm doing organic so I can fertilize up to harvest time. Not sure.


Well-Known Member


Link to all http://imgur.com/a/3CWsN#8


Pictures are quite high quality. I would recommend clicking the pics till full res, let us know how we did.

S7even and I were looking at the plant closely and saw that it looked like a Calyx was opening and over maturing. Hopefully we have not done harm in deciding that we are going to do 1 more water, straight water flush, no nutes and cut her in a few days.

After clipping a Lower branch, located near a 4100k- we decided to be impatient stoners and did a Microdry of the cut up buds. have done it many times before and we find that it doesnt kill the bud too bad and the high if you do it properly. we both had a bowl and its pretty darn good. I feel heavy and content, pain relieved, but fully aware... at least I feel so.



Active Member
ok! so the plant is done! GROWING COMPLETE! lol so last night when the lights went out for the last time i pulled the plug to stop the timer and the lights and fan Im going to give it a full day of darkness before I turn her into a Marijuana Bonsai plant and take some pictures for you guys:bigjoint: I don't think ill be posting any pics of the nugs unless they are still fresh because it will take way to long to dry and cure them just to take pics and toss them on here so ill take some pics with no leaves on the plant so u can see all the bud on there and so good close ups of the buds but other then that you'll have to wait till we start the next even better grow! Thanks for stopping in and watching our progress and thanks for any help you may have given us. If you want me to PM any of you guys and gals to the next journal we make just let us know here and ill msg you soon as its up!


Well-Known Member
Smoke Review:

Holy FUCK.
Smell: very freah and smelly, with a hint of sweetness. Not overly stinky in the bag, but can be smelt.
Taste: Super Sweet. I have personally never smoked anything like this. Its like candy on the tongue and I am extremely pleased.
High: very Stong. Holy freaking strong... I was trying to get up for 2 hrs after smoking to bus home. Absolute Couch Lock. :D
Rating: 8.5/10 i love it aside to how hard it hits. I had to end a call with my mom i was just so out of it and HAF.
The Yeild was Ok, would absolutely be using a 2-400w Hps for the next grow with CFL as Base/ Near Folage lighting.

Till next time!