3 Strain Party Cup Grow



sicc veg long man trust me!!!! even in small cups. she dont stretch for shit in flower. she is the definition of indica!!!


a kush that dont stretch.. omfg.. u gotta get this shit on the market..

lol its made from a pre 98 bubba kush female crossed to a special sour d pheno. then inbred for generations to perfection...... you wont find anything like it on the market. and if you think it looks good in veg it looks beastly in flower:bigjoint:


Whats up do you guys think i should start up a seed bank or what????????

not tryna take anything away from sicc he is doing a great job growing her out so is everyone else i blessed with some genetics.


Active Member
Looking real nice and compact, SICC! Can't wait to see 'em flowering. You're gonna have some tight little nugs!!! subscribed


Active Member
That last one is really fucking compact. Mine are all doing the same type of thing. All on 4th node (except 1) and they're practically on top of eachother. From the way everyone is talking I assume that's a good thing. I was actually a little worried that they were too close but I guess I'll relax now. Your grow is looking amazing...as always... :)


amazing grow. im about a month into a cup grow myself. my first ever grow so i dont see it turning out amazing but if i can get the plant to flower that will be enough satisfaction for this grow.

how are you getting your plants to grow so quickly? mine were just like yours 1-2weeks in but your 3-5 weeks are just blowing mine away. ive got 1 thats maybe half as bushy as yours and thats my best one. i havnt gotten any nutes for them yet but after reading this i plan to.

im still blown away at how big urs are for being so young


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the comments :bigjoint:

my internet is out so im on my phone, so answer some question's as stated in the updat monday was 3 weeks exactly, im vegging for a total of 5weeks. going to topp here soon, probably by the weekend, the MBS is exploding in inner grow but i want to topp then at the same time so shes kinda puttin me in rush mode, the BK is FINALLY getting some node growth, i dont like that very much. so far im hoping the SK or the MBS will be my male, but if the BK is the only one i will cross that with the MBS dont wanna put bubba bac into the SK

plants are at 5 nodes now working on six, so when i top ima try a ghetto cloning method i saw on here, i aint got nothing to lose anys so we'll see how it go's when i top

as for the plants growth i just think its due to perfect care, good nutrient, genetics and a good amount of light, i have 184 watts just for vegg, im going to get some bigger cfls to switch out when i flower