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Well-Known Member
Monkey Juice in the house ! both tents nearly identical with the exception of the light here we have 200w. CLW light to veg when I flip I might flower with a vipar spectra @520w. of blurple which is not an ideal light but for this 3x3 tent should get it done the little ss-275 @200w.is a gem & long term I'm gonna supplement it IMG_20191224_093327.jpgIMG_20191224_093332.jpgIMG_20191224_093339.jpgIMG_20191224_093445.jpg


Well-Known Member
Monkey Juice in the house ! both tents nearly identical with the exception of the light here we have 200w. CLW light to veg when I flip I might flower with a vipar spectra @520w. of blurple which is not an ideal light but for this 3x3 tent should get it done the little ss-275 @200w.is a gem & long term I'm gonna supplement it View attachment 4442499View attachment 4442500View attachment 4442501View attachment 4442502
Looks like some more fire coming up mate.
Merry Christmas Herk take it easy


Well-Known Member
I've switched the light schedule to run through the night & shut off 11;00 - 5;00 during the day I probably should of left them under the dome & t-5 a while longer IMG_20191226_105508.jpgIMG_20191226_105515.jpgIMG_20191226_105636.jpgIMG_20191226_105642.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hello! I was wondering at what height you are hanging your light at for this stage of veg? Thanks!
I started out at 24 inches & when they seemed not to like it I raised the LEDs to 28in. tonight I'm seeing some improvement these seedlings are a little small for this much intensity without giving them some tie to adapt but for established clones I start at 24 in its been a few years since I've grown from seed lol


Well-Known Member
My light schedule is working I've also upped the veg hours to 20 for now as its cheaper to run the light longer than it is to run the electric heaters which if it gets much colder I'll start using them they should pull out of this funk soonIMG_20191227_084033.jpgIMG_20191227_084116.jpgIMG_20191227_084121.jpgIMG_20191227_084241.jpgIMG_20191227_084248.jpg


Well-Known Member
Monkey juice , up close I can see improvement this is a classic example of grower error they're gonna recover but had I left them under the dome & heatmat another week they would be happier right now , now what to do ??? I'm not gonna do anything I think the worst thing I could do is compound one mistake & turn it into two IMG_20191228_173201.jpgIMG_20191228_173153.jpgIMG_20191228_173144.jpg


Well-Known Member
Purple Primate is waking up & although one is smaller & droopier a closer look at the new growth where I topped them the smaller plant has nicer growth I filled the reservoir with megacrop @ 2-1\2 gr. per gal. I'll flood every few days for now & then kick it up to once daily IMG_20191229_190508.jpgIMG_20191229_190518.jpgIMG_20191229_191359.jpg


Well-Known Member
Monkey juice is on the road to recovery & right behind the purple primate looking better tonight they were topped as well not responding as fast as the purple primate they're not ready for me to fill the res. yet IMG_20191229_191140.jpgIMG_20191229_191059.jpgIMG_20191229_191009.jpg


Well-Known Member
FEEDING THE PRIMATES !!! sounds more like a zoo exhibit than a grow lol once dialed in this is virtually a hands off method really suitable for less than perfect environments & conditions like my room that is at one end of my work shop that is separate from the house with no heat or AC IMG_20191230_104426.jpgIMG_20191230_104445.jpgIMG_20191230_104454.jpg