3 week old clone, has weird leaves


Active Member
I dont have any pics but the the plant is really healthy looking besides the fact that all the leave are really wide and only have 3 really big leaves attached.

That sounds stupid?

About 1 foot tall in 5 gallon pots, lots of new leavees but they all are supper fat with only 3 instead of the normal 5+/

Should I toss them.

I cut these myself, moms were asome plants.


Well-Known Member
No, don't toss em. Duck foots are semi-normal. Super fat? Could be the strain. If they are green and growing let em be. :peace:


Active Member
I took 60 clones and about 20 are like that,

they are all GA but have are normal really thin plants, and these are just Supper fat a healthy looking, minus the retarded leaves.

I would hate to find out in 3 weeks that they are Bunk or turned in to Japenise Maples...



Well-Known Member
plants having a 3 point leaf is natural, I've even had 4 point leafs on my plants but its rare that I get 4 point leafs
I took 8 clones from a sativa 10 days into flower & the little guys are growing nice but have all kinds of weird leaves. Pretty cool!


But what about leaves that start culing up and looking like frech horns , And are loaded with triclones ,??/
a while back one of my plants had some of those french horn looking leaves, I'm curious what they are as well. Do yours stay very close to the main stem? Mine did.


pics would be a massive help, I am very hesitant to give you a diagnosis without pics or more info.
3 leaves arent bad if thats the only issue. make sure your pH is on point though