3 week old first time outdoor grow in need of help


So heres the deal. i have a 2 and a half week old plant. This is my first time growing bud. Its in a five gallon bucket outside. And i noticed yesterday it was starting to fall over. and i also noticed there was some stem and root rot. does anyone no anything that could possibly help or reverse the damage that has already been done? :roll: if anyone has any tips it would be greatly appreppreciated. and please keep it nice and simple. not many resources and low on cash:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
depending on the type of root rot it is hard for them to get food up the stock,ive taken rooting compound and put it higher up the stem and then burried with soil and had new roots grow,but for the most part root rot leads to death.


Well-Known Member
I know u can rip the rot away lol... I am not kidding but I dont know how effective it will be, since your plants are falling over.. I am more cerious to know how this got this way.. did u use bad soil?? Did the temperatures of the soil become to warm? Maybe we can find out what happen so u dont have to battle with this again!
Good luck!


yea i dont rele no wat happend. its good topsoil so it couldnt be that. maybe there wasnt enough drainage and it got top heavey and fell over. im not to sure tho. but im definetly gonna try pileing new compost up the stem a bit and see what happens. and it may help it stand on its own to
you should cut the bottom off your pot and stick it in the ground your soil isnt letting the water run through and your roots are sitting there in water


Well-Known Member
if its destroyed take it off,if it cant be saved.putting compost is good as long as nothing in it that can infect the open wound,but i dont use compost much.