3 week old n 3 days supposed to look like this

Does my baby suppose to look like this? If not ways the problem? I gave her some nutes yesterday n it looked like it helped a lot and I have miracle grow soil and nutes 18-18-21... please don't tell me any thing about miracle grow ... I know what I wanna use and I have 3 lights both 5500k lights and one 2700k I'm installing another 5500k light tommorow



Active Member
Looks pretty good to me.
No sign of nute burn.
How far away are the lights from the top ?
Seems to have a tight node structure.
They put a lot of energy into the roots when young.
As soon as the roots spread out the Veg growth will kick in high gear.
Stay Calm !


New Member
I'm guessing you have caught a lot of heat for the miracle grow lol but naw man looks straight like the comment said just be patient.... Good Luck Yo


Active Member
looks pretty good...... go light on the nutes till she start to stretch
and yes.... be calm and remember plants grew out side for along time before we intervened
happy growing


Active Member
The only problem with MG is all the shitty nutes they put in it. Its not needed and could be a hindrance. It could be why shes a bit small.

That being said. Go grab some Root Enhancer. Make those roots explode and you'll start seeing a lot of growth.

The plant looks good tho. Looks like your methods are working just fine.


Well-Known Member
I personally think they look a little small for 3 weeks 3 days. I used MG for a long time and never had a problem. I assume that this is a flouro grow?? If that's the case then I think most of the answer is solved. I used flouros as well and it just takes a little longer. I am doing a hydro ebb and flow grow and they are now 3 weeks 4 days and here is a pic of the entire grow, The babies on the extreme right and left (the smallest ones) were saved during germination and are about the size of yours. I fully expect they will catch up and give up some green that we all like!!! That being said, good job! :


If you ever wonder what's going on, go back to basics, water-food-light ..... Yours look healthy enough just give it a bit more time.....


Well-Known Member
Here is a couple of pics from a flouro grow years ago. They are like six weeks into bloom which I thought was good at the time but now I feel sorry for myself back then. Keep the lights right on your babies but don't burn them. Light-water-food. Good luck and keep us informed. Oh, I do think I noticed some nute burn on one of your pics so be careful!!!

