3 week old Plant droopy and more


Well-Known Member
I've been growing this plant in my attic for about 3 weeks now. It is about 5" tall and probably 7" wide so it is really really bushy. About a week ago the plants (there were 2, more on that later) were looking beautiful and they had been getting a regular watering schedule. about 150ml each every 4 days. For the whole month they were growing very fast and they staid in pristine health the way through. Then on the start of this 4th week I gave them there normal amount of water. I checked on them the next day and saw that they were both drooping very very badly. I do not believe that I gave them to much water, because it was the same amount that I had always given them. I then thought that they must now need more water and they are underwatered so I gave them more water and its still the same thing.

Also now the two bigger lower fan leaves are completely dried out and dying and like yellow/brown.

I'm thinking did I somehow overwater, which is blocking out the nutrients from the soil to the roots and making those two leaves die. Does that mean the rest of the plant will start doing the same thing?

I have a theory though about why this is happening. The first 3 weeks they were growing they were growing in 95 degree weather from the attic because it was so god dam hot out here in NJ. I think that this made them use up a lot more water or just the heat dried up the soil faster. For this past week its been in the 60's, raining, and cloudy, so they are growing in a lower temperature, therefor, need less water then before. Since I gave them the same amount of water they actually didn't need as much because of the lower temperatures and they got overwatered.

Damn, that means I watered twice in the past 5 days trying to get them to perc up, and again today except only this time I fed them there first nutes.

Do you think I will have any chance of life when I check them tomorrow?

Here is my setup sorrounding 1 plant completely in a 1 by 1 foot space (BTW the plant is in a big pot)

-4 27 watt 5500K CFL's
-4 14 watt 5500K CFL's


Well-Known Member
33 views and still not an answer? I know the description is long but I tried to give you guys all the details I can


Well-Known Member
your theory could pose an answer, water them less and update. they may also be in shock from a massive temperature change. also check ph to make sure nutes are not being locked out. also pics are more than a enough to diagnose a problem, plz post pics if you can. :peace: