3 week old plant fell over

i have had 3 plants going in 3 seperate pots for about 3 to 4 weeks now. 2 of them are fine but when i went to check on them the 3rd was fallen over with the stem or root bent. all 3 had the same mixture or pot soil and soil with some plant food. i cannot figure out why the 3rd was bent over. will it be able to regrow seeing as it has a bent stem?


Well-Known Member
you should be fine, this happened to me yesterday thanks to my cat... if it isn't broken, I'd just put more dirt around the stem to support it and put it somewhere out of the wind to allow it to recover. some people even stake them like tomatoes... whatever works.
thanks. yea im thinkin of just propping it up with tootpicks tied or taped together. right now the leaves are on the ground
thanks. yea im thinkin of just propping it up with tootpicks tied or taped together. right now the leaves are on the ground
If you straighten out the stem carefully and prop it up with something it will repair itself, Unless its a very young seedling. Plant cellular structure is very rugged; damaged cells will repair themselves with a little care.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
If you straighten out the stem carefully and prop it up with something it will repair itself, Unless its a very young seedling. Plant cellular structure is very rugged; damaged cells will repair themselves with a little care.
tie it up and pack a lttle soil around the base, add a little water, it'll be fine!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Chem fed plants need crutches, wheel chairs, and more chems to kill invited stress & diseases. Tell Me you didn't feed your Baby Meth?