3 week old seedligs, do i trim those round leves


Active Member
3 weeks in on white dwarf feminized autoflowering strain. a friend of mine told me i should clip off those lil round leavess that sprouted 1st. i didnt cuz,well he is haalf a retard. now i have those 2 round leaves, a set of 1 bladed leavess above the round leaves and (not sure but i think) 2 sets of nodes aabove those and the 3rd and 4th nodes are showing.
should i snip the round leaves?
should i clip the small 1 blade leaves above those?
thx in advance :peace:


Well-Known Member
no dont snip the leaves your friend confirmed oyur supicions if you had any about him being a tard, they will eventuallyfall off dont go to cutting on your plants inless you are gonna top em or fimm em or harvestin or takin clones leave everything else alone the plant uses the leaves to create new growth as a source of energy if you cut them off you have to wait that much longer wich means u stunt the plant. leave things be and keep growing + rep for growin


Well-Known Member
u shouldn't be clipping anything yet. most autoflower strains don't need to be any how but i would wait till at least 4 true nodes not counting the first bladed leaves start ting with the 3 bladed, to start toping. u could cum out with lik four nice colas.



Well-Known Member
u shouldn't be clipping anything yet. most autoflower strains don't need to be any how but i would wait till at least 4 true nodes not counting the first bladed leaves start ting with the 3 bladed.

thats a sweet ass avatar man


Active Member
to qualify to be my friend youhave 2 be at least 3/4 retarded so ican feel smart lol. but ok cool thx. you confirmed what others had told me.
but er ah........... whaats +rep mean? i seeit alot and dont get it yet.
oh and nice dogs my buddies have pits i love pits. i have a scared of its own shaddow german shepard. she is cool but skiddish as fuck
thx dude


Well-Known Member
to qualify to be my friend youhave 2 be at least 3/4 retarded so ican feel smart lol. but ok cool thx. you confirmed what others had told me.
but er ah........... whaats +rep mean? i seeit alot and dont get it yet.
oh and nice dogs my buddies have pits i love pits. i have a scared of its own shaddow german shepard. she is cool but skiddish as fuck
thx dude
+ rep is what you give someone when you approve or dissaprove of a post they did in a specific thread there is a set of scales in the right top coner of everyones post and when oyu click on them it brings up another box and you say if you approve and typy your name so the person can give you some back go to the bottom of your rollitup and you will see where i gave it to you and thanks man i love them i train them and breed them they r the best dogs in the world man i appreciate the kind words


Well-Known Member
yo pitbudz. its that dog on the far left of ur av a pitty or AB?

other 2 look pitty but the one on far left looks ab :D


Well-Known Member
yo pitbudz. its that dog on the far left of ur av a pitty or AB?

other 2 look pitty but the one on far left looks ab :D
all pit bulls man that is duke he is bout to be 3 he is americam pit ill post a side pic tomorrow im on the phone so i cant upload


whats the soonest I should top. They are lonly five inches tall but have 5 nodes? should I top, or not. They are Blue dreams