3-week old seedlings knocked down by rain and hail, pics

What would you do to protect your outdoor girls from the weather while being stealthy?

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New Member
As soon as I saw the hail I cut a 2 litre coke bottle in half and covered my two biggest girls. There are 29 in all, so the rest got quite a beating. Not sure how they'll come out of it, I'll update if anyone's interested. The picture at the end with the wine glass... it's vapor from my e-cig :D

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Well-Known Member
Oh man... They certainly did take a beating. The best advice I can offer is to try and prop em up with something so that they're not laying in the mud and hope for better weather. I like to start mine inside until they're about 8-9 inches tall and hardy enough to withstand some rain and wind, but i know thats not an option for everyone. Seems like you threw em out a little early, but I can't blame ya. I always get the itch around early April :)


New Member
Thanks for the tips bro, gonna end up doing that. Also spray the leaves clean.

Haha yeah man, as soon as I was pretty sure the last frosts had gone I got my seeds going indoors then threw the seedlings out a couple weeks later.. started 4th of April :D

Wanted to give plenty of veg time for the sativas, too.


New Member
Only thing I'm really worried about is if it rains for a long time. It's already been two days of rain and it could be a whole week... would be pretty tough on my young girls. Fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
it hurts my heart to see plants like that ;(. sorry this happened to you. just prop em back up and they should recover. hope they make it keep us posted.
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Well-Known Member
dnt worry theres hope for those gals, the stems aren't completely snapped, and theres growth/new growth, that isn't completely wilting, there just a little battered, give them a little love and attention, you should see some recuperation within the week, provided u get no more heavy rain/hail


New Member
dnt worry theres hope for those gals, the stems aren't completely snapped, and theres growth/new growth, that isn't completely wilting, there just a little battered, give them a little love and attention, you should see some recuperation within the week, provided u get no more heavy rain/hail
You were totally right.
They're doing WAY better, such a relief, I can smile again :D
One of them did snap so I stuck it in the ground. Five days later and it's still green, so with a little luck it'll root and become a clone!
It's crazy I wake up thinking about them most days. And when I open my eyes and see sunshine... aaah!
FIM'd the fourth grow tip on two of my tallest girls, hoping to see some nice new tops soon.


Well-Known Member
I had one do the same thing..Looked like the poor baby had been supercropped, she was about 3" tall and laying on her side, stem was creased but not snapped..I just carefully propped her up and mounded soil up around and just over the creased part of the stem, a week later she was fine. I've heard when this happens they will actually send root shoots out of the newly covered stem. It's a strong weed our Mary is!!


Well-Known Member
Just do the following:

Take previous years smart pot, or pot with some RO soil and through your seeds in this medium; then take a screen from
a junk yard, or where ever you can get one; place your seeds in the medium and secure this like a mini greenhouse and
put a bungee cord around this to tie off. Mother nature didnt intend to have everything indoors, give nature some credit,
natively they come up in the spring; as such, I dormant seed at the end of December and check out the scenario in
the first week of March; the weather will work for you, too. True story. The above happened to me several times till I
started sorting it out "caveman" style. You gotta figure a caveman was recently discovered with a great deal of weed
on his person, and they germinated his 2000 year old stash. Just curious what would a caveman do...you get me
drift? Screen, bungee cord, ... perimeters secure. Those screens take a beating.


New Member
Just do the following:

Take previous years smart pot, or pot with some RO soil and through your seeds in this medium; then take a screen from
a junk yard, or where ever you can get one; place your seeds in the medium and secure this like a mini greenhouse and
put a bungee cord around this to tie off. Mother nature didnt intend to have everything indoors, give nature some credit,
natively they come up in the spring; as such, I dormant seed at the end of December and check out the scenario in
the first week of March; the weather will work for you, too. True story. The above happened to me several times till I
started sorting it out "caveman" style. You gotta figure a caveman was recently discovered with a great deal of weed
on his person, and they germinated his 2000 year old stash. Just curious what would a caveman do...you get me
drift? Screen, bungee cord, ... perimeters secure. Those screens take a beating.
Sounds like an interesting method. Got any pictures of something like you described?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
try planting deeper next time, you left the little round leaves inches above the soil. Usually when I transplant into the ground I go deep. those little round leaves wouldprobly be right under the dirt. Stands up to the wind and rain better and starts out with a larger root system.