3 week old w.w. has only 3 leaves...pics


Active Member
If you notice that when it was much younger it had 9 leaves on them, slowly but surely they turned into 3 leaves! does anyone know the scientific reason behind this?

Ive done some research on this and most people say its a genetic defect and there's nothing to worry bout. I agree but it just seems to me that more leaves mean more cell development, which means healthier ladies thus larger yields.

any help on this topic would be great like how to fix it, to why it does what it does, thanx ahead of time and here are some specifics on my set up

400 watt mh bout 2 1/2 feet away

alittle fert in soil plus fox farm nutes @ 1000ppm ph @6.2

I never over or under water

W.W. strain



Well-Known Member
Wait until they're bigger and they'll start producing the number of leaves that you'd expect based on what the mom looks like.


Well-Known Member
Happpened to me. I had a plant that when it started budding it shot out one finger on the top two leaves. So that gave it 10 fingers. Pretty weird.


Well-Known Member
anybody know what an even # of leaves mean too? healthy?unhealthy? scientic reason for this?
usually it means that theres no light enough. the stronger light is the more leaves you'll have. but it also may be something in genetic level.

Brick Top

New Member
I am a bit curious ….. whose White Widow are you growing from the roughly 24 or 25 different choices, make that 25 or 26 if you count Doggies Nuts White Widow #1 ... then of course there is the original renamed Black Widow too. When someone only says White Widow I really wonder whose White Widow they mean.


Active Member
Some guy i got weight from, from cali sold them to me and avoided the question pretty well (where he got w.w. seeds from), but when we were rapping numbers he would say he just works for his dad and he could produce any amount i could handle, im pretty sure his dad owned it and he didnt want me to know where i could find him, smart though i would have done the same or make some shit up, so the answer to your question what bank i got those from... beats me but this is a trial run for this strain so no problem if there garbage ill just test out my skunk, misty or thai next.


Well-Known Member
anybody know what an even # of leaves mean too? healthy?unhealthy? scientic reason for this?
In the hobby of homebrewing, there is a saying that goes 'Relax, don't worry, have a homebrew'. This hobby should have a similar saying ;).