3 week sprout... brown spots... yellowing... need help!


Well-Known Member
I posted this in my grow journal, but it seems like a good idea to post here. About 5 days ago I fed my 15 day old sprouts a very small amount of JR Peters all purpose fertilizer (1/4 teaspoon per gallon). Two of the plants responded well, while another slowly started getting brown spots. Two of the lower leaves already turned brown and fell off. What is going on here? What can I do?

Another one of the plants that I fertilized is turning a faint yellow. Seems strange...

Thanks for your help!



Well-Known Member
I was told it could be a magnesium def, so I've flushed with epsom salt water. Any other thoughts from anyone else???


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International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!

I had a couple leafs on plant do that and I've just fed a little organic nutes but now I'm getting the rust spots on some tips that suggest calcium or magnesium deficiency.

I can't say what your issue is but it sure looks a little like calcium deficiency from the pics in that link. Someone else might have a more definitive opinion. The dark rotted looking spots are hard for me to identify from the pictures in the link above. Don't know what causes that but would like to.

I'm of the impression that if you try to nute until you get rid of the damage that's already done you'll over nute the rest of the plant. The key is keeping the rest of the plant growing from here on out. It makes sense to me to feed a little at a time, even if it means feeding more often, but you're less likely to overwhelm the plant that way. It's probably safer for instance to feed 1/4 strength every few days for a week than full strength all at once and see if the new leaves produce those symptoms or if it stops, as long as you're not drowning the plant with water but giving just enough to reach the roots then dry out for a couple days.

This link mentions Magnesium as a nutrient that can cause other nutes to be locked out so be careful with too much Epsom.
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Well-Known Member
um...i personally wouldnt nute my babies when they are still that small. flush em and give them another week or two before you start your nutes. think about it like this...if you feed a midget beer and you feed a big person beer....the midget has a much easier chance of getting alcohol poisoning.
pump those plant stomachs with a flush


Well-Known Member
get the plant under control and just another case of ppl giving there plants nutes when they are too young. leave them off everything except water for a week.

my 15 day old plants are looking great. take alook at my journal. ofc they all might not be as big as urs but they look healthier. look at my Trance plant, that is doing the best.
hi am having the same problem with yellowing and brown spots. This is my first time and I am so excited. But the leaves are turning yellow and have brown spots. help


Well-Known Member
"About 5 days ago I fed my 15 day old sprouts a very small amount of JR Peters all purpose fertilizer"

On day 10 you feed your plants??? You shouldn't feed a plant until it is about 3 weeks old or has 5 nodes, until then it just doesn't need it. Also you should take into consideration the soil you are using... If your using some synthetic blend (crap imo) like Miracle Grow, that soil also has nutes. To make a long point short IT IS NUTE BURN.

Flush it, hold off on ferts for a couple weeks, monitor it. I think you will find then that your problem is solved.

Good Luck! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well, I meant they were 15 days old when I fed them, but you're basically right. They look burned. I flushed with water again and the damage seems to have been haulted. It was spreading before. Only 2-3 plants out of 13 are effected so I'm still in good shape. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
um...i personally wouldnt nute my babies when they are still that small. flush em and give them another week or two before you start your nutes. think about it like this...if you feed a midget beer and you feed a big person beer....the midget has a much easier chance of getting alcohol poisoning.
pump those plant stomachs with a flush

midget analogies are freakin awesome!!!