3 weeks, 4 inches


Active Member
i have a plant which is about 4 inches tall with small leaves (started from seed) in potting soil. It's about 4 weeks old.

is it standard to add nutrients while watering??

shouldn't this plant be much bigger than this?

i use four foot fluorescents for lighting (18/24)

I also use plain tap water every other day to water it. no nutrients, nothing.

sorry, don't have pix.

thanx in advance.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Do you have it in a good size pot? Did you use good soil or just potting soil? I reccomend miracle grow moisture control in 3 gallon pots.Keep the lights touching the top of the plants.My seed starts at about 30 days are close to 14 inches tall using this way.If soil is nuted you dont need any.You check water ph and soil ph levels??


Well-Known Member
yes, it should be much bigger than this. Is that 4 weeks since the seed was planted, or 4 weeks since the first set of true leaves? That could make more than a 50% difference in the actual veg time.

How close have you got your lights to the plants? They should be nearly touching the leaves.


Well-Known Member
At that age ferts in the soil are perfectly fine, but get some superthrive at walmart (or a nursery) and use a bit of that as well. It will help their root system expand much faster and give it a nice boost in growth... plus it's dirt cheap and you only need a drop per gallon.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for your replies. I am the threadstarter and this is my actual screen name ... i was at a friends house when i posted that.

but anyways... i just used regular potting soil. It is at this size after 4 weeks from planting the germinated seed. The size of the pot is "small" ... maybe 4" diameter.

My four foot fluorescents are right on top of the plant... maybe an inch away.

Sometimes i take plant outside and leave it there so that it gets actual sunlight... then i take it back inside in the evening and let the fluorescent continue it's job.

i have never checked the soil PH or water PH.

i think my next step will be to go ahead and get some nutes.


Active Member
It might have root lock, sounds like it's stunted to me. Get a 1 gallon or bigger container and transplant.


Well-Known Member
So I went out and bought this product from Walmart... Terracycle.


What do you guys think of this ??? I, for one, am concerned about it's NPK content. (.03-.002-.02-) ... Seems awfully low.

It's 100% organic LIQUEFIED worm poop.

Here's a summary:

Liquefied worm poop — nature's premier fertilizer — packaged in a used 20-ounce soda bottle.

Potent:Outgrows the leading synthetic fertilizer in many aspects of plant growthEasy-to-Use:Ready-to-use
No mixingOrganic:All natural ingredients, OMRI listed™Eco-friendly:Packaged in reused bottles with an end-run sprayerBurn-Proof:Will not burn your plants or cause salt buildupWhere to use:On small indoor plants and outdoor gardensHow to use:- Spray once a week on soil until damp
- Spray on leaves to help your plant resist pests and diseaseWhat to do when it's empty:Best Idea: Refill using 2-liter TerraCycle All-Purpose Plant Food™

Great Idea: Collect them in a Bottle Brigade box and earn a donation for your favorite charity

Good Idea: Use as a sprayer or mister

Fine Idea: Recycle the bottle (remove the spray head since it contains a metal ball which cannot be recycled)

Bad Idea: Throw it away

remember your name

Active Member
I'm having a similar concern, my girl is 3 weeks old and exactly 4 inches tall, has 6 sets of fan leaves + the 3 sets coming off each leave. Width is about 5 inches. I have her in a 8x8 inch pot and she's doing fantastic the roots have reached the bottom of the pot i can see them through the drainage holes. Using mg soil w/perilite and 2600 red cfl and 2800 blue spec cfl, my question is why is she so short? lol 4 inches seems rather small yet she looks great smells great. Could this be normal or is this not normal? If it isnt normal what do you recommend since she seems to be doing great other than how short she is. Looks better than any 3 week old i've seen so far. Dont know the ph so dont ask. I water with distilled store bought. She is 3 weeks from sprout not seed.

remember your name

Active Member
I wanted to start flowering by the 3rd week but im kinda scared to since shes so short, her stem is almost as wide as my pinky too just so ya know


Active Member
hey remember your name,

how far apart are the nodes? if its that short u might have an autoflowering plant which means it will flower according to its age, not light cycle. mine was about a foot tall, after a month and a week and the nodes were about a half inch apart. then a bud started forming on the plant. and i never switched it to 12/12. so, if it looks healthy let it keep growing. i wouldnt start flowering yet tho. autoflowering plants are basically the only plants that flower that small.

what light cycle are u using and do u use any fertilizer?

remember your name

Active Member
hey remember your name,

how far apart are the nodes? if its that short u might have an autoflowering plant which means it will flower according to its age, not light cycle. mine was about a foot tall, after a month and a week and the nodes were about a half inch apart. then a bud started forming on the plant. and i never switched it to 12/12. so, if it looks healthy let it keep growing. i wouldnt start flowering yet tho. autoflowering plants are basically the only plants that flower that small.

what light cycle are u using and do u use any fertilizer?

It would be handy if she was an autoflower but it was from a bag seed mid grade stuff so i dont know. The nodes are less than 1/2 inch apart right now she looks beautiful but i can see a future problem if she doesnt get taller soon lol. I dont want to have to prune her but i may have to if she doesnt get taller. I dont want to do any low stress on her either i'm just not into it. im on 24 light cycle the fert in the m.g. is all she's had thus far. I have a good fert for later though. 15-30-15.