3 Weeks Flower White Widow Pics


Well-Known Member
ok my other seeds have germinated and im veggin them under a cfl right now i have 3 female skunks 3 widows and some big buds The one widow is flowering beautifully but she is no where near dont yet.

Does anyone know how to hand water with general hydroponic solutions im thinkin of hand watering these guys until i can place them into the hydrohut i was thinkin once the widow is done i will clean everything then put the 400w mh bulb back in and veg them up then flower them but the hydrohut is taken up right now so i want to try to hand water them can i just mix a 1000ppm solution in a bucket and hand water them that way?



Well-Known Member
The resin Galnds are getting stronger she is starting to smell real nice i have another project on the side im doing right now here are some pics replys would be awesome i want to hear from everyone



Well-Known Member
ok the new peoject is on the way i have them under cfl's and have a light fan blowing on them . Im flowering one white widow which i vegged for 2 months and 3 skunk fem seeds and they all turned out female. Im starting to like the fem seeds all 3 were fems and i only vegged them for about 3 weeks not they are flowering with the widow the buds are not even close the the one who vegged for 2 months im lookin to do the same with these 9 babies.


Active Member
I would be horny as hell having those babies near me. I can't wait for mine (althought its only badseed) to start producing buds. Just got the first pistils on em yesterday.


Well-Known Member
nice curb good luck i cant wait for these fems either man this was my first grow now im totally addicted its so cool looklin at all the different strains i think im gonna try a sativa somewhere down the line i just dont think the experience is there yet

green eyes

Active Member
Here is my female white Widow she vegged for 2 months before i put her in flower this is my first grow tell me what you guys think of her ill try to take as many pics as i can The system is ebb n flow hydroponics check her out 3 weeks into flower
did you use clones,if so what exact strain


Well-Known Member
im gonna take some really sweet pics in a little of everything hope you guys are eonjoying the pics ill keep you guys updated


Well-Known Member
Ok fellas here are some new pics of the mother widow buds they are lookin amazing then im gonna show the new project, the little babies but here are 5 cool pics of these dank buds im gonna use this as my journal and show you guys exactly how i.m gonna do this whole new project



Well-Known Member
Thanks i like blazin she is 4 weeks into fllowering white widow i vegged her for almost 2 months now i have a new project going but thanks for the replys i want to here how you guys do it and all advice is needed but blaze that looks good for someone first grow right?



Well-Known Member
bro urs are looking good are you doing huydro or soil. I will show you exactly how to do it man im on day 9 of my new project . Make are u veg them to like 15 minches mine took 2 months i vegged her for now im reeping the benefits

Check out these i just took some cool new pics look how nasty the crystals are if u need feed charts anything you tell me its not hard as long as you put 2o min into your lab a day weed is a hardy plant so you will be ok just be very patient and you will get buds like this



Well-Known Member
ooooo weee!!!
sticky icky
that looks like its gonna be a good tastin bud:D

Yeah, and also
I added another airpump with dual air pumps.
So I have a total of 5 Air Stones, and 3 pumps.


Well-Known Member
Very beautiful pics man. Keep posting im keeping up. And Im amazed yours didnt smell during veg, mine reeked, not crazy but you could deffinitely smell it through the whole house