3 weeks flowering. First time grow

Hey guys. This is my first time posting for others to see so I'm hoping for as much input as possible!

I'm 3 weeks into flowering
12/12 lighting

400w HPS
4x 4ft floures
Fertilizers are FloraBloom, FloraMicro, and CalMag
They're in 50/50 Coco Perlite mix and I feed them every other watering (I water every other day and use the soil test first before every one)

Pics in order
1,2 - Casey Jones
3,4 - Purple Arrow
5,6 - Dutch Treat
Thanks I'm quite proud of them for my first babies :)
The main problem I'm having right now is stunted growth on everything below the mid-point on every one of the plants. The symptoms started when I was battling SpiderMites about a month ago and they just never filled in. Some of the lower branches look like someone took a hair trimmer and ran it around all the colas.

Should I worry about this right now? As far as I'm concerned the top canopies of all the plants are just marvelous but will this stunted and dead growth below have much negative affect on the overall health?

I'll have pics of the deficiency up in a few min.