***3 weeks flowering...plant problems w/ pics***


Active Member
mystery strain and purple wreck (both female) flowering for 2 days short of 3 weeks. yellowing spots mainly towards bottom of plant.

ph for the mystery strain is at 7.1-7.2 and the ph for the wreck is 7 even.

flowering nutes fed once at 1/3-1/2 strength. didnt show signs of problems until the watering AFTER (a week later) so im not sure if nutes is the problem.

12/12 lighting. 600w digital hps system.

pics in this post are of the purple wreck.



Well-Known Member
adding nutes to water will change the ph of the water a cheap way is to get a ph tester and some ph up and down


Active Member
adding nutes to water will change the ph of the water a cheap way is to get a ph tester and some ph up and down
i have a tester lol thats how i told u what the ph is already haha.

ph up and down is an option i suppose. i was looking for some other means if possible...for example (to raise ph) i've heard that lime juice will work etc.

i just dont know what (or how much) or whatever will lower my ph.

i mean i could technically flush the plants if i want a quick fix i was just hoping to avoid putting them through that extra stress as i've already had to flush once during veg.

most/all of the yellowing is at the bottom leaves of the plants...could they plants be suffering from a lack of a certain nute? or is this ph? i've heard 6.5-7.5 was ok for pot plants.

is my info wrong? (just wondering as i really am not 100% sure)


the dirt growers i know check the ph of the runoff water after watering, it gives them a idea of what ph the pot is sitting at putting ph 6.5 into soil thats five due to root zone activity will bring you out of range. 5.8 to 6.4 if what i use for hydro. if you look at the charts this is the range where all micro and macro nutients are available to the roots.


Active Member
actually guys the spots began getting lighter all on their own (as i waited on replies here...and rollitup wasnt letting me log on yesterday so i really had some extra time to see what happens).

it appears just to be some shock from the nutes they have began to return to their normal selves without any effort...the ph has even come down to about 6.5.

thanks anyway for all the tips. i will keep it in mind next time. my mystery strain and purple wreck have continued to grow taller...the mystery strain is about 3 ft right now and the purple wreck is at about 2 ft


Active Member
lime/lemon juice will lower Baking soda will raise, use sparingly maybe 2 tsp of Lime/lemon juice per gallon at 7-7.5 ph water