3 week's flowering:]!! tips?



photos of week 3 flowering On the one remaining Female plant . One was male. The other Plant is 100% fem and showing plenty of crystal development at a young age I hope she's a real trichome covered lady :] Can any one tell me if the bud development is Seeming to be ok for a decent harvest?There are 15 - 16 main branches (4 are tiny ?clones?)and the main cola. How's she looking any questions ... tips? I was interested in cloning her is it too late ? Id like to keep the strain alive so to speak :] It has alot of the characteristics I think I like alot. indica dominate Nice crystal production and short inter nodes. sort of slow on the growth pace but thats ok if she produces killers smoke


Active Member
if you want to clone you need to do it soon.. it will take a while to revert back to veg but it will happen with time.. be sure to add a rooting hormone when you do it to speed up the root growth.. looks good so far, keep up the good work.


Thank you Thank You, .. should I Just put the cuttings back into 24-0 or 18-6 after rooting what's your opinion ? and for how long till 12-12 again? And should I use my veg lighting or flower lighting?


Will do thanks so much will update with photo's Just started delivering a healthy dose ogf grandma's robust molasses today :D


Just took my first clone. Do to no $ at the moment for Root gel I used a batch of My Moon Juice (tm) that I mix up for the ladies and The little clone seems to be holding on very well. (will update with pics) The moon juice is just robust molasses and water and some 10-15-10 nutes at about 1/3 strength. I purchased some peatmoss starter discs the kind that absorb water and swell with a little hole in he middle for your cuttings. I allowed the disc to swell in the moon juice I made and stuck the clone in it with a humidome over and 24-0 lighting . after 2 d ays no wilting and the tip has adjusted itself and is now pointing at the light. (good sign I think) Anyone let me know what you thiink Im go take pictures of everything right now :]


Thank you for the tip :]

Lucky I guess But I'll take it. :D

I think that molasses is a weaker nutrient source ( something like 1-0-5 ) and all those rooting gels had minor micro nute's in them. I hoped it wouldn't to too much harm AND thought also that since molasses is great at making the growing medium a ideal place for your plants roots (how it feeds the microorganisms and stuff) that it would be somewhat beneficial to have my plants root sytem take hold in this environment as well. I mixed 1 tsp molasses into gallon of warm distilled water then added just a drop or two of shultz plants food to the whole thing...
I took the clone at an angle and made several Fine cuts above my original cut at the base of the clone and plopped her in. This is day 3 now and no signs of wilting or death of this cutting. I havnt checked for roots yet but I am confident good things are happening in there.

Upon your advice I changed out the little bit of Moon juice I had in the humidome for plain distilled water. So now it is nice and humid inside the dome with the clone. getting only humid air and light ( with the exception of what the peatmoss disc soaked up of moon juice ) Will put up pics today hopefully as yesterday my camera being silly. Thnx again New pics soon today those nugs are a swelling just a bit :} :]


Here are some pics from yesterday the plant is coming down tomorrow or the next day.

It has been recieving only distilled water for 10 days at this point and it is at about 30 to 40% amber pistils 80% clear milky trichs . maybe 10% clear amber and 10% clear.The top bud is still only 30% amber pistals and almost all clear cloudy trich's a couple are amber in the lower part of the cola So I might harvest the lower branches first and let the top fatten up for a day or two more. I just trimmed back the fan leaves 6 days into water only ( 7 weeks 6 days flower ) since then the plant has fattened up noticeably and crystalized. Wish I had a camera that would do it justice But they are frosty and have an aroma of grape bubblegum skunk and sweet sugarry. will update with harvest and so on Enjoy the crappy bud porn :]


Well-Known Member
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Here are some pics from yesterday the plant is coming down tomorrow or the next day.

It has been recieving only distilled water for 10 days at this point and it is at about 30 to 40% amber pistils 80% clear milky trichs . maybe 10% clear amber and 10% clear.The top bud is still only 30% amber pistals and almost all clear cloudy trich's a couple are amber in the lower part of the cola So I might harvest the lower branches first and let the top fatten up for a day or two more. I just trimmed back the fan leaves 6 days into water only ( 7 weeks 6 days flower ) since then the plant has fattened up noticeably and crystalized. Wish I had a camera that would do it justice But they are frosty and have an aroma of grape bubblegum skunk and sweet sugarry. will update with harvest and so on Enjoy the crappy bud porn :]
Looks good man but you should give it at least another 7-10 days. Take my advice on this, I just got stroked big time taking my plants down too early because the guy I was workin with is a complete moron. Those plants have sativa traits & probably need 65 days to mature. 8 weeks is 56 days, so like I was sayin, about another 7-10 days.


The plant is at 58 flower days now Ill let it go to 60 Only because Im not so much concerned with weight as with what Im trying to acheive as far as the high goes. I want to get a bit more of a mix of cerebral and couchlock so Harvesting a couple of days early was a choice not a necessity to get the higher thc levels and lower CBC CBD and CBN levels Harvesting in the 10 - 20% amber trich and 80-90% clear milky trich. rather than 50% amber Trich 50% milky trich range should make this achievable.

if necassary I will allow it to go 9 weeks or so.

I have harvested a bud from one of the lower branches yesterday and it should be done air drying by the time I would like to harvest and I think that will give me a great Idea on if she's where I want her yet :] Thank you very much though for the recomendation as normally I would have gone for that time frame But im sort of experimenting a little to get the stone I want from the plant.


Well-Known Member
The plant is at 58 flower days now Ill let it go to 60 Only because Im not so much concerned with weight as with what Im trying to acheive as far as the high goes. I want to get a bit more of a mix of cerebral and couchlock so Harvesting a couple of days early was a choice not a necessity to get the higher thc levels and lower CBC CBD and CBN levels Harvesting in the 10 - 20% amber trich and 80-90% clear milky trich. rather than 50% amber Trich 50% milky trich range should make this achievable.

if necassary I will allow it to go 9 weeks or so.

I have harvested a bud from one of the lower branches yesterday and it should be done air drying by the time I would like to harvest and I think that will give me a great Idea on if she's where I want her yet :] Thank you very much though for the recomendation as normally I would have gone for that time frame But im sort of experimenting a little to get the stone I want from the plant.
Word. Sounds good. I like some couch lock myself, & especially from an indica dominant strain. Just didn't want to see you harvest too soon & be unsatisfied with your high. I hope you get the type of smoke you are looking for.


:D Yea couch lock is everyone's fav( mine too ). I'm actually trying to come out with a smoke that Is harvested about half way between optimal couch lok'd levels and optimal cerebral levels.
This from what I've been reading is Where you find cannabis that has that really Giggly stoned feeling to it. Last Night I smoked the little bud i had air cured(picked on day 57) It was a awesome high. But a little on the cerebral side still. Day 59 now I will wait until the 60th night to harvest most likely . Keep ya updated ! TY for stopping by everyone and letting me know what ya think :}


I have decided to go a ful 65-68 days Thank you Rom bom. not because of you But I def thought of you while I was deciding :D