3 weeks from chop and dying!!! Help

Hello all,

So I've read through many of the stickys and looked at as many examples as I could but I still need verification if you will..

So I have 2 "Big Devils" going in 5 gal buckets under a 90w UFO (81°F 50% humidity.. constant air flow.. ect..) The soil is SubCools super soil mix followed accordingly from his recipe.. The bottom half of the buckets are lined with the super soil while the top half is just the base soil.. however; and he's were i believe the foul up on my part was... I also fed with Fox Farms entire line.. BB, GB, TB, OS, BB, and CC... and for the last 6 weeks I have seen fantastic results.. Very deep healthy greens... everything on the up and up... Flowering was looking beautiful and well obviously its not haha...

So the leaves are def burned badly and have cupped in a few areas.. not to mention they are retaining little to no moisture and are crispy and dry to the touch. Obviously from an abundance of ferts on my part and toxic salts developing in the soil?? not being flushed away?

So when i first noticed this last week i watered with straight distilled water in an attempt to flush it but it seems to have gotten worse and growth seems to be screeching to a hault =/

do I just attempt another flush next watering and hope for the best? they are 3 weeks from their chop date and now im very worried about the harvest quality and quantity

Especially since they only grew to about 20 inches and not the claimed 1-1.5 meters tall.. but thats all on my POS light and I know that haha

Help, thoughts, suggestion, questions, all welcome.

Thanks again,

Joan Figgens
Bump I hate to pry for info but my little girls only have 18 days left in their little lives..

While pulling a plant would tell me whats wrong and whats going on.. it kinda defies the purpose of these last 7-8 weeks. And I obviously plan on harvesting both little girls and trying to salvage as much as I can..

Anyone have any other thoughts or opinions?

Thanks again,


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Grab the main stem with one hand. Grab the pot or bucket with the other. Lift and separate. It won't hurt the plant. Look at the bottom of the root ball. Are there roots curling and bunching up at the bottom? It is easiest to pull plants when the soil is dry. Carefully support the root ball as you pull it. GL

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I've only been around for a bit but Mother's Finest gives some really horrible advice.
Yeah, take your sick plant, TEAR it out of the ground, that'll make it better... WTF! Transplanting isn't an option. If you used the wrong sized planter (which is what it sounds like happened) then this could be some root bound issues. It is too late to deal with that and get any more on that plant than you have now.

You have a toxic salt build up in your media. The solution is in two steps.
First you need to leach the system with water. You're going to need 4 times the water as you have gallons of soil. A 5 gallon planter needs 20 gallons of water. This water needs to be pH balanced at 6.5, and you will reset the pH using this stuff.

Once the soil is clean and pH balanced you can begin using light level nutrients of the Big Bloom.

The dead leaves will not heal. And the problem may appear to continue after applying the solution. Just ride it out.