3 weeks in (pics)


Well-Known Member
the bigger plants are supergirl fem seeds 3 weeks old and the younger plants are white widow fem seeds 5 days old there both going strong but i was just looking for some constructive critisim as this is my first real grow and i want to aquire all the knowlege i can



Well-Known Member
the supergirls are bout 7-8 cm and the white widow are 7 cm i use a double flourescent 2 inches from the tips each bulb is 55w they get watered 2 times a day


Well-Known Member
They look small for 3 weeks. Spraying them is not a good idea when the light is on, light refect off the water drops and might burn your plants.

Also seedling don"t need to be fed till at least the third week and I grow in soil but wattering twice a day seems a bit much.

My plants at 3 weeks

Good luck


Well-Known Member
twice a day is the minimum id water them i judge it by the weight of the cube and if i only watered once a day the cube would be dry