3 weeks into flower. Looking good??


Active Member
These are my Ak48's 3 weeks into flowering This is my first grow and just wondering if they look ok.

Apprciate any comments!
you got a pretty girl there. how long did u veg? i want some smoke if you dont mind :joint: lol


I vegged for only 4 weeks really, couldnt wait any longer tut tut but worked out ok i guess. 3 seeds planted 3 females not normally my luck ha ha.
Any ideas about the yellow leaves. Was only watering pure water untill 3 days ago unitl i started feeding them. Those feed pellets any good??


Well-Known Member
Yes . . . very nice for 3 weeks . . . yes, indeed!
My buds never seem to be as full as yours seems to be starting out. Da-ham.