3 weeks into flower one of my lights stayed on for an extra eight hours


So the title explains it all. I am three weeks into flower the hairs are just starting to show. Last night one of the timers failed on my 1000 w hps which means the light was on for an extra eight hours. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
^^^haha damn...Naw I think you'll be fine..growth my slow a bit but i dont think your fucked..good luck man


Well-Known Member
Whenever something like that happens to me I change my light cycle so there is still a 12 hr dark period following the longer light period. Afterward, I change the light cycle no more then 1 hour every day so there is 12 hours darkness and 11 hours light until my light cycle is where I want it.

To trigger the flowering hormone (and prevent hermies from light pollution) the plants only care about the full 12 hrs of darkness, they don't care about the length of the light cycle if it's not too long.

That being said, one day will probably not effect your plants.
dont freak, cat smoking e-cig is spot on theres debate about some things when it coes to light tricking. but overshooting light u can go bac to normal as long as u wait at LEAST 12hrs dark. his method is a good one, its a very common reaction and this is how you learn. i think ur fine if you have a chemical which is a hormone thats produced by a plant to help with uptake, intake and optimization. make a seed germ everytime nearly in 24hrs helps every cycle of plant growth email me ill tell u about it, and where to get it in lab grade 99.9%. break a limb but not all the way? tie it flush spray a lil hormone and you would be suprised. u can foliar or whatever, ph a lil alkaline put the hormone in itss acidify without normal method i could go on and on just know a lt of your add on nutes that are high dollar this is a big part of it along w/other hormones and specialized mix of nutes and such.

anyway i did the samething, i dont know how long my light was on extra, the dial was moved and it was just about to click off i have brain damage from sudden death from long qt version 1. dead 7mins cona7days shouldnt have survived. short term memory took a huge hit and other things, just like this reply is way to long i cant help myself wierdest thing, many other issues like scatter brain. i take very heavy pain meds synthetic heroin pretty much i grow original genetic based strains and my weed as they refer to it helps more than my meds 5specific ones wouldnt be needed if i lived in a better area.

i know it could have been 23hrs max. when u have to or just want to do a time change 24hrs darkness first, so overshooting light u can go 24hrs dark then back to ur light schedule or new one. or reset to normal schedule and walk back daily, i say make up difference during normal dak time by extending ir or just go normal as long as u get at least 12hrs dark first Cat is a good way as i said best thing about doing 24dark then back to regular is good as its a one day fix and :bigjoint::blsmoke::blsmoke::bigjoint:
excuse grammar and so on, i have lost a lot of vocabulary getting better though, also im on a tablet and its not so good with posts i cant evev go back or change things when typed, anyone else having such issues on android tab, i never do forum stuff, it says theres an app, isit good or unsafe to download and use for people in countries where pot is like an enemy in war faught on the scale of a war, hell its in the name. I hope i didnt mess advice up, it looks correct but i dont know how clear it iswhen read bybsomeone