3 weeks into flowering. Looking good??


Active Member
geez you guys and your indica strains, took my sativa nearly 8 weeks to look that far along...


Active Member
Supernova - looking great! nice green colour and lots of buds developing and only 3 weeks! I can't wait to see the harvest!


Nellyatcha i know i aint got much knowledge but yours looks a bit streched. I have always kept my 200w hps 6" above me plant, not to arsed on length really.
Just off reading this i found to keep it close as you can. What strain is yours?


Yeah yeah honest. You know what it is i just read this site first got everything i needed then baboom. All organic aswell, the stuff set me back around £100.00 incuding seeds.
I'm a bit green fingered to start with so maybe that helps, surely its different from carrots thou ha ha!


Well-Known Member
Nellyatcha i know i aint got much knowledge but yours looks a bit streched. I have always kept my 200w hps 6" above me plant, not to arsed on length really.
Just off reading this i found to keep it close as you can. What strain is yours?

its a hybrid of gigabud. but mostly sativa .its supposed to stretch during flowering period bro and i have a 400w mh and its 1 foot above but it also burns my buddy bro so that why i keep it kind of further down and check out the pic i post with with .

