3 Weeks into Flowering!! outdoor help!! Yellowing of leaves!?


I have a couple questions. is it okay that leaves around the bottom are turning yellow? also How are the buds doing? is it good for 3 weeks? also i was wondering if you guys had any tips for better buds and stuff, just anything that uIMG_0280.jpgIMG_0267.jpgIMG_0268.jpgIMG_0270.jpgIMG_0271.jpgIMG_0272.jpgIMG_0273.jpgIMG_0274.jpgIMG_0275.jpgIMG_0276.jpgIMG_0277.jpgIMG_0278.jpgIMG_0279.jpgIMG_0269.jpg think will help me with my first outdoor grow. btw the plant is only a month and twenty days old.


the buds are looking good// looks like they need some food N probably thats what the yellowing bottom leaves are


Active Member
hey there how come you dont have them pots filled with soil bout an inch or two from top? maybe its cause ur roots have no place to go id think a plants those size could use the whole (pot) space if not bigger pots