3 weeks into flowering still no signs?


Active Member
What am i doing wrong i have been putting mollasses in it is their anything else I should be putting in it? what type of nutrients?
Thanks Guys


Well-Known Member
check for light leaks. if you have any light at all getting at the plant during "dark time" it can delay the start of flowering.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Be patient! Some strains start to flower whithin days and others take weeks. If your lights are on 12/12 and you have no light leaks you are fine. I have a Sour D cross that took 4 weeks to show any sign of bud!


Well-Known Member
Be patient! Some strains start to flower whithin days and others take weeks. If your lights are on 12/12 and you have no light leaks you are fine. I have a Sour D cross that took 4 weeks to show any sign of bud!
I concur. Check for light leaks, double check your timer, and be patient a bit longer.

Good luck and good growing.


Active Member
Ya mine is sour diesel. so no light can get to it because it is in my room and i think some light gets through to it. Is it really that sensative? I think the light is leaking through the blinds.


Well-Known Member
yes its that sensitive, any light will fuck with the plant, use black garbage bags if your too lazy to do somthing else, and pin them all around the light


Active Member
no light at all during dark.. i suggest either the trash bags like above,or not keeping it in a place that you have to frequently be in when it is "sleeping"