3 weeks into flowering


Brown so i made a bucket with pebels down the bottem an pump oxygen into the soil for a week soild which brought her back to life


Well-Known Member
Now i water every time its dry to about an inch deep 3-4 days but thats since i fixed drainage problem but prior to that when i had the problem watering was a big issue as i didnt kmow the difference between over an over water an root rott etc as i change into a big pot i noticed the roots were white but i had to repot again because of the drainage issue but this time when i pulled her out tge roots were
let them limp. don't water tell they start to limp


Well-Known Member
Your doing ok its your first grow next probably be better each time you grow should be better. Try a better strain maybe like white widow auto's do grow faster it takes like 8 weeks from germination or seed till harvest breeders estermation you could always go longer if buds not ready.


Well-Known Member
Looks more like slightly over-fed or slightly over-watered without enough light (dont quote me on this lol). Small flowers, but your doing okay! Someone said wait for the leafs to sag a bit before watering again, best way to do it. I have shit luck feeling my soil moisture, and eventually you wont be able to do that when your roots hit the top.

Ends of fan leaf sag (if you bump your pot fans wiggle with obvious weight) = over-watered

Leaf+stems sag (if you bump your pots and EVERYTHING moves like jello) = under-watered


Thanks everyone for the help and advice her buds have doubled in size ill post a picture up sometime today.