3 Weeks into my First Grow (pics)


Active Member
When can I expect the most vertical growth? Right now they are about 6-7 inches tall, and no signs of stopping. I burned them a little bit, but I just backed down the PPM about 100 and they are doing find.


Active Member
looks good leaves a bit droopy happened to me yesterday either you water too much or too little

you should only water when the soil is bone dry then water until it comes out the end of the pot then stop and leave it for a few days til soil is dry again


Active Member
When can I expect the most vertical growth? Right now they are about 6-7 inches tall, and no signs of stopping. I burned them a little bit, but I just backed down the PPM about 100 and they are doing find.
it takes time be patient they will grow at their own pace 6-7 inches is pretty good when they get to about 10-12 inches switch to 12/12 cycle (flowering stage) then you will see growth way faster


Active Member
What does it mean when the edges of the leaves are pointed up? The whole leaves aren't curled up, just the spiny edges. I raised the lamp up a tad earlier today. Is this a bad thing? Should I lower it back down.....because the plants were starting to grow into the hood of my light. (Only 250 watt MH)


Active Member
light may be too close, or if your leaves or curling up i seen in other post that it was because of the ph levels. check them. and looks liek you may have overwatered if anything


Active Member
I added PH down because it was around 7. And it settled right around 5.5

It may not have settled all the way before I fed the plants, because I looked at it just now and it was around 4.5; Obviously too low.


Well-Known Member
when i see the lines on a picture it screams out either .. picture taken from phone of a screen or telly lol imo that is take a pic of ur computer screen n see the lines hmm makes u wonder