3 weeks old healthy?


Well-Known Member
let them use the water
just give them a break
dont water until the leaves are happy and pointing back up
youve just gota figure out how much u need to water
i always did it randomly whenever i figure they need water
as for watering what saved me like 10,000 headaches is i went to lowes and got a five dollar meter. then you have no guess work. but you always want to over water in the begining. if had all the seeds back that i killed on my first grow from too much water i would be giving bud away i'd have so much. but here is something i have done to all my plants. put potting soil right up to the bottom leaves. they can grow roots off the stem and it makes it much stronger for when the plant rockets off. the bottom stem you have is too long and not strong enough to give it proper support when you put it into flower...