3 weeks old plants! [Growing in PC Grow Box]+ is it ill?


Active Member
Hey there!
This is my first grow ever and I'm really excited about it!
can you please tell me your opinion about 'em?

+plues, I think that the one is ill!
Why is that? because i saw those 2 little leafs which they have and they get a bit brown! PLEASE TAKE A LOOK ON THEM AND TELL ME!
pic: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/1746/dsc00746l.jpg

Pics of the plants:


Well-Known Member
IMO, they look like they are way over stretched for a PC grow, depending on their strain they could easily double in size.


Active Member
I think he means to tall of a stem, like they are reaching for light.
They will prob tell you to move the light closer to them if you can.
But Im not sure


Well-Known Member

I'm no expert in soil growing, but that soil looks muddy and less than ideal for optimal root growth. Have you considered getting some Fox Farms Ocean Forest mix or making your own high quality mix? The nice thing about FFOF is it won't need much nutrients to start with as the soil is rich to begin with. From what I've read once the plant is established with about 4-sets of true leaves they'll start yearning for a little extra food. You can always get Fox Farms nutrients to compliment their soil and I think it'll work well, as long as you are careful to start at 1/4 strength and move your way up so as not to burn the plants. If you have a hydroponic supply store near you, they'll definitely carry Fox Farms products - otherwise you can always order.

Light is clearly an issue as your plant is stretching like crazy with little foliage growth sadly - but that's not to say it won't recover since you can re-pot her and throw some more light intensity in the mix. Do yourself a big favor and check out these http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=42&xSec=40 They're the only CFLs I've ever used and I absolutely love them; they're a little awkward to hang and set up at first though. They seem to work well in a closet environment. Otherwise you might be better off spending the 200-400 dollars on a HID system if you can handle the heat and energy consequences. Still, if you have a nice CFL setup I think you can manage as long as you keep them around 1-4" away from the plants at all times.