3 weeks old roots have STOPED GROWING


Active Member
ok so i have 2 3week old girls in a DIY RCDWC system im runing AN grow,micro,bloom, alittle cal/mag and alittle super thrive , i noticed the other day the roots looking brown, not slimy no smell , think its the nutes or the hydroton anyway the roots have completly stoped growing while the plants have never looked healthyer , is ther some kind of root stimulent i can buy ? or ANYTHING elts i can do to get them growing agin ? ,,,,,thanks for all the help


guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
in order to even begin to solve this you must list your ec, ph, temp, and everything you put into your solution. when i look at the pics i see white roots that appear to have a brown substance on them. first thing i'd do if my roots looked like that is take those net pots to the sink and rinse the shit outta them. wipe them gently with your fingers. clean your buckets and start with new solution. .7-.8 ec is what i would be at for plants that sized.


Active Member
thanks for the responses, i am running week 1 of AN grow,micro,bloom, 40 ml. cal/mag and 10 drops super thrive, the water temp is 73 to 76 average the AN PH perfect nutes keep it at 6.5 and not sure on the EC


Well-Known Member
Stop using super thrive and brew your teas for a fraction of the cost. Which WILL improve root growth and which WILL improve root health.

Very easy to do--1 heaping handful earth worm casting in a sock with an airstone in it tie it off and aerate the water, 15ml aqualshield, 1/8th scoop of mycos. I use great white, but there are plenty other brands just as good, even cheaper. All that is for 1 gallon of water. Use water without chlorine to brew tea. Brew for 48hours and store in refrigerator. Lasts until it smells bad. Usually 7-10 days.

Lower your temps to 68 or below or run another system thats less susceptible to root disease at high water temps.

I think the PH perfect line runs that it will absorb nutrient at any PH level. At least that is what I read about that product from a user here.

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
thanks for the responses, i am running week 1 of AN grow,micro,bloom, 40 ml. cal/mag and 10 drops super thrive, the water temp is 73 to 76 average the AN PH perfect nutes keep it at 6.5 and not sure on the EC
i dont let my ph get over 6.2 personally. you are going to have a hard time in water culture if you cant keep your temps below 70. do you have a ppm meter and know the conversion rate for it? this is important. i have heard good things about the ewc teas but i have never had any need to try them myself.


Well-Known Member
Yep, PH and res temps are your two biggest concerns. Without those two right, rest doesnt matter cause it wont be able to use anything you give it anyway.