3 weeks to go, but its getting cold quicker than expected

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
Alright so I have 2 of these White widow clones I picked up, and planted 3 days before August. They've turned out pretty awesome,knee high and heavy!! Almost every branch is supported. We had our first frost 2 days ago, and has been 36°ish at night since and will be cold up untill winter. By my time schedule I should have 3 weeks untill the 9 week point(Nov4th). Will cold weather speed up or slow down my timeline. I have a different plant with problems(different post) and would like to time out harvesting it and these at different times to avoid any problems lol. I have 4 pictures of first plant(addressing the spider web), and 6 pictures of last plant(the buds have not filled out yet and are like popcorn buds( calyxs), hopeing it fills out. Strange the two clones seem like different plants(assuming top cut n bottom cut). Thanks for any input!


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ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Cold weather does slow them down... not speed anything up. Even the root system when it gets cold does not take up nutrition like it would during warmer weather (one of the reasons I like growing in straight manure because it keeps the roots a bit warmer then soil)
Colder temps will bring fading and purplish leaves as well making photosynthesis less then ideal.
This doesnt mean that the plant wont finish it just means that it will not have the outcome of a grower who is in a warmer climate. Last yr I harvested in November but this yr that would not have been possible because we have already had hard frosts. Try to look for strains next time that finish Sept or early oct.

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
Normally we dont have our first frost untill mid-late November, just been a funky year. These were the only strain type I knew, they had to many I got lucky to get them. Everything else was just random bagseed from past. First gardens in 7 years and all was not planned well initially!! Don't have a source for manure just yet. I'm pushing for Nov!

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Normally we dont have our first frost untill mid-late November, just been a funky year. These were the only strain type I knew, they had to many I got lucky to get them. Everything else was just random bagseed from past. First gardens in 7 years and all was not planned well initially!! Don't have a source for manure just yet. I'm pushing for Nov!
I like your attitude


Well-Known Member
Normally we dont have our first frost untill mid-late November, just been a funky year. These were the only strain type I knew, they had to many I got lucky to get them. Everything else was just random bagseed from past. First gardens in 7 years and all was not planned well initially!! Don't have a source for manure just yet. I'm pushing for Nov!
Around me they're giving the shit(manure) away, literally. But I've had a few 34 degree nights and 32 coming around 7-8 am this coming morning and less mold and issues then 70 degree nights with 90% humidity. I'm riding out my late girls no matter what the weather throws my way.
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Well-Known Member
@ganga gurl420 are you doing anything to sterilize the buds at harvest? I know you do actinovate or whatever the subtilis is? I ask because I use Cease subtilis and after 4-5 days of drying and then test smoking I get a stomach feeling so I did on others advice and did a peroxide dip then water dip and they don't bother me but are browner then the indoor buds I never dipped in anything because I didn't use bacteria spray?
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Smokin fat joe

Active Member
@ganga gurl420 are you doing anything to sterilize the buds at harvest? I know you do actinovate or whatever the subtilis is? I ask because I use Cease subtilis and after 4-5 days of drying and then test smoking I get a stomach feeling so I did on others advice and did a peroxide dip then water dip and they don't bother me but are browner then the indoor buds I never dipped in anything because I didn't use bacteria spray?
I did a wash on some of mine this year, seems alot darker than it should be as well.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
@ganga gurl420 are you doing anything to sterilize the buds at harvest? I know you do actinovate or whatever the subtilis is? I ask because I use Cease subtilis and after 4-5 days of drying and then test smoking I get a stomach feeling so I did on others advice and did a peroxide dip then water dip and they don't bother me but are browner then the indoor buds I never dipped in anything because I didn't use bacteria spray?
Funny...I just wrote you on the other thread and said I do dip mine. Even before I did a dip tho I noticed outdoor buds darker then indoor. I believe it's mostly due to the plants being darker from the cold weather.
Have you sprayed anything else on them? Neem or otherwise? Odd that It would make your stomach feel funny.


Well-Known Member
Funny...I just wrote you on the other thread and said I do dip mine. Even before I did a dip tho I noticed outdoor buds darker then indoor. I believe it's mostly due to the plants being darker from the cold weather.
Have you sprayed anything else on them? Neem or otherwise? Odd that It would make your stomach feel funny.
Been at least a month or so before I took those buds that I sprayed neem, been using a combo of BT and the Cease subtilis stuff but idk, got the same feeling off unwashed cherry tomatoes that were never sprayed with anything the more I think about it.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Been at least a month or so before I took those buds that I sprayed neem, been using a combo of BT and the Cease subtilis stuff but idk, got the same feeling off unwashed cherry tomatoes that were never sprayed with anything the more I think about it.
That is really really odd. Never heard of anything like that before. Hope your not having underlying stomach issues.

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
So this is one of the ladys mentioned above, it seems like it is Done lol. The stalk is yellow brown dead looking almost. It does not have much cover where it's located. I expected the bud to dense up a bit more. I checked the trichs yesterday,(left scope at house) have not found amber yet tho. Tomorrow is also only the 8 week mark, the other one has different traits and does not appear the same.


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