3 wks into flowering - Sudden loss of vitality looks like both r dying off


Well-Known Member

I'm pretty lost now. i can't figure out for the life of me what the problem is with my Res's.
1; i can't keep the pH stabilized
2. The plants look like they need a fucking redbull, they are drooping like limp dicks!

I just did a res change a few days ago and I bumped my nutrients mix up to 100%. It appears that ws the start of the problems but I'm not sure. The EC was totally high for 1 day 3.6 :(, but I've corrected that 2.4 now, but they both seem to be heading down hill. Today I'll change RES A and runb only bud candy in the res for a day and see how she looks. Pfft at this point ive not much to lose.!!!

You can see in the pics that just 8 days ago they were doing ok then BAM!!




Wow, that's a bad hit. Why run nutes at 100% though? There is never a need to run them that high, as you can see, it caused more harm than good. Also what percent were your nutrients at before you bumped it up to 100%?

What did you use to to clean your resivor? Could it have been contaminated, and thus killed your crop?

More info = More detailed response.

Good luck


Active Member
Sup ? so i wanna help here cuz i see your a vet. Is that a LED? if so, there is no need at all to run 2400ppm with most led. The lighting usually isnt strong enough. Period. I bite my tounge at 1300ppm when I watter. Lightin up on the food to 1000 ppm. Can you run any h20 for a couple days? DWC? Hydro? Soil?


Well-Known Member
also check to see if your pump stopped or is clogged..thats alot of wilt for that little burn

but for sure do as these guys say lower your nutes!!!


Well-Known Member
@ reggaerican
Dude I'll check it to see if it's pumping well but it is pumping. I'll check again after I post though.

@ Cru3l
Duly noted :)

@ sagensour
Ok dude but I Dropped the EC down to 1.6x thats still too high? will I save this grow if I simply turn on my 400W HID then, yep thats an Illuminator 90W LED?? Thanks dude. Semper Fi..

@ BrannonC
Umm I feel like an idiot after reading your post. I pushed them up from 70 to 100% to avoid this. I knew AN ran hot so using my infinite wisdom (yeah right), I figured running the nutes @ 70% for 2 weeks and then run them at the suggested rate I'd alleviate the total fucking meltdown. But NO!

Clean my reservoir??? R u making me feel like this on purpose? :D I didn't clean it. When was I supposed to? I'm sure as hell gonna go check on that in the forum though!! Shit dude I hope i didn't like totally skip a step.

There are 2 DWC's only keeping them in 15 ltr containers and using 11/12 ltrs in the res.
Strain is "Shining" Silver haze from royal dutch seeds
they are in hydroton balls, and wtarted in soil (res's were'nt ready). But the history can be seen on the likn in my sig if u wanted the whole history.

The roots aremore brown than white like before. I didn't chekc to see if they are just covered in nutes or are actually brown yet. I'll do that today also.

I'm thinking on mutting them back on 18/6. gotta read up on that. I read u could do it once but I don't know if there is a cuttof point, is there a limited time you can do it, will they be too stressed. So i got some work and research to do. And I have fucking Jet lag!!!

Thanks a lot dudes. I appreciate the help seriously dudes....
