30,000 plants found right down the rode from me


Active Member
$2000 for those shitty ass plants lol. please doesnt even look like good weed
yeah im not impressed with that garbage looking weed.2,000 a plant is retarted maybe 200 a plant for that ditch weed.noone would buy good seeds for that big of a grow it would cost a fortune.


Well-Known Member
My plants in 4" pots had better looking roots. Do you guys typically get decent outdoor in Arkansas, Mad Hatter?


Well-Known Member
i get amazing outdoor results....all these plants are that were busted, were just your everyday bagseed some guy saved up and thew in the grown....no care for them at all, only to make profit off of them, seeing how arkansas isint a med marijuana state, its really hard to find high grade stuff around here, and when it does come around, you can imagin what they charge for it...but i get great results because i care for my plants...they just wanted bud to sell...and around here, that shit sells like hot cakes, i bet if you guys brought any of your medical stuff down here, for you avg joe, you would have a tuff time selling something at 20 30+ a gram when 25$ an 1/8 is just right around the corner, of some ok smoke, not great, but ok


Active Member
i get amazing outdoor results....all these plants are that were busted, were just your everyday bagseed some guy saved up and thew in the grown....no care for them at all, only to make profit off of them, seeing how arkansas isint a med marijuana state, its really hard to find high grade stuff around here, and when it does come around, you can imagin what they charge for it...but i get great results because i care for my plants...they just wanted bud to sell...and around here, that shit sells like hot cakes, i be if you guys brought any of your medical stuff down here, for you avg joe, you would have a tuff time selling something at 20 30+ a gram when 25$ an 1/8 is just right around the corner, of some ok smoke, not great, but ok
people pay for quality.I take that back.True smokers will choose killer weed over commercial anyday.I will glady pay for a gram what an 1/8 of shit weed cost.hell you only need 1 tiny hit of the good shit that you would have to smoke a 1/4 of that garbage and still not get as high!


Well-Known Member
people pay for quality.I take that back.True smokers will choose killer weed over commercial anyday.I will glady pay for a gram what an 1/8 of shit weed cost.hell you only need 1 tiny hit of the good shit that you would have to smoke a 1/4 of that garbage and still not get as high!
i dont see it that way...well kinda...i believe just about everybody wants killer fire ass weed....but to say "i can sit down with my shit and take two hits and be fucking ripped" is not the experience i look for when smoking, i love nothing more then to sit down after a long day and crack open a cold beer and roll a joint up and sit back and relax and enjoy it, not take two tiney lil puffs and your already passed out..i like to enjoy my smoke, and at 25 and 1/8th i can do that ALLLL DDDAAAYYY LLLOOONNNNGGGG and not have to make a budget around me smoking...


Active Member
Those were some weak looking plants but the amount was impressive. It's got to take a long time to save up 30,000 seeds unless your just sifting through piles of shit brick weed for seeds. Even then, that's a lot of seeds. I'd be packing my bags and getting the hell out of town for a while if I were the grower.


Well-Known Member
but dont get me wrong johnman, if someone had two bag's of weed sitting in front of me and one was swag and one was fire ass nugs...i would choose the fire ass nugs any day of the week....but now put a 120 150$ price tag on that dank weed and only 25 on that bagweed......dude i got bills and kids and shit, i cant be spending that kind of money all the time, shit would break me, im not made out of money..not by a long shot


Active Member
i dont see it that way...well kinda...i believe just about everybody wants killer fire ass weed....but to say "i can sit down with my shit and take two hits and be fucking ripped" is not the experience i look for when smoking, i love nothing more then to sit down after a long day and crack open a cold beer and roll a joint up and sit back and relax and enjoy it, not take two tiney lil puffs and your already passed out..i like to enjoy my smoke, and at 25 and 1/8th i can do that ALLLL DDDAAAYYY LLLOOONNNNGGGG and not have to make a budget around me smoking...
see thats wen you havent smoked enough lol.most of us are pot-heads and we need higher thc content to get high because we smoke all the time.I have a bad back and it helps pain greatly so I smoke like a train.Icant take pain pills they make me deathly ill so I rely on natural drugs.and bud is the bees knees! so I will pay more but I know what you mean when I used it just to get high b4 I was hurt I liked to relax and smoke a joint on the porch with a cold 1 :)


Active Member
but dont get me wrong johnman, if someone had two bag's of weed sitting in front of me and one was swag and one was fire ass nugs...i would choose the fire ass nugs any day of the week....but now put a 120 150$ price tag on that dank weed and only 25 on that bagweed......dude i got bills and kids and shit, i cant be spending that kind of money all the time, shit would break me, im not made out of money..not by a long shot
I mean im growing white widow and i know i could get 125 an oz EASY round here but i wouldnt charge that I just wanna cover what i have invested and keep the rest.then everything else i grow is all mine and not costing me because i cant afford the killer weed prices either!


Well-Known Member
but honestly i do wish i could afford to buy that high grade shit all the time, really i do..which i why im growing, i can honestly say tho, after being a constant visitor to RIU for over a year, i grow the best pot in my county, granted i'v only had a couple grows under my belt, after picking brains and constantly reading, my bud's be looking frosty as shit....and just imagin how stoned i get when i smoke it because all i usually smoke is swag all day long, so when i get to harvest my buds, its like my birthday all over again...


Active Member
but honestly i do wish i could afford to buy that high grade shit all the time, really i do..which i why im growing, i can honestly say tho, after being a constant visitor to RIU for over a year, i grow the best pot in my county, granted i'v only had a couple grows under my belt, after picking brains and constantly reading, my bud's be looking frosty as shit....and just imagin how stoned i get when i smoke it because all i usually smoke is swag all day long, so when i get to harvest my buds, its like my birthday all over again...
hell yea brother! I havnt grown in years but when i messed my back up and cant take pills I knew i had to due something.Its not medical here yet either so I know what can happen but my grow is small and im not gona run the streets with it its for me so hopefully they will leave me alone.I cant wait to taste this widow I have had northern light before but not the widow.And i know she is a resin producer and I havnt had hash in a decade so im looking forward to that! I used to stick crystaled buds in the freezer then when frozen smack them on a mirror and snort it.good shit man! :)