30 2-3 oz plants under 2000 watts 1 months flower


Active Member
Also looks about the same size as my nugs but only yours are farther along.my nugs also are rock hard when finished Im still not impressed. But you still gotta prove somthin for some reason so go ahead. Way to hijack my thread. I already posted that i know alot of people wouldnt believe me so i could bypass the argument and possibly help sombo:dy else do what i did. Im not running a contest Mr


Active Member
You're really cool bro. You just made this website gay for me and not welcoming. Where will u be off to next on your crusade of finding randoms to lecture?


Active Member
Express do you use co2? I would worry about myself if I were you. 2oz a plant in those conditions, are not unheard of buddy. Even with the plant count he has. I dare not ask how long you have been growing, because I know the answer already. Not long enough.. Where is overgrow when you need it??RIP OG


Active Member
Im sure this guys has no expeirience doing my tek. He grows bushy un kept afros that are mostly middle and bottom nugs that get almost no light.


Active Member
Express do you use co2? I would worry about myself if I were you. 2oz a plant in those conditions, are not unheard of buddy. Even with the plant count he has. I dare not ask how long you have been growing, because I know the answer already. Not long enough.. Where is overgrow when you need it??RIP OG
Thanks for the support. Im over being heckled


Active Member
Im guessing you have air exchange every 15 min or so? Not bad at all, what are your temps and RH if you dont mind me asking? Nutes?


Active Member
45 percent rh, 90 degree temp and thats constant(lights on and off no diff)and humboldt countys grow , bloom, micro and some moab mad farmer and a lil extra black strap. Ive got a/ c , dehumidifeir and heater on automatic to keep room climate the same at all times


Active Member
Sounds like you have the girls dialed in. Was your intentions to only veg 7 days to keep them short, or just luck of the draw? I run DWC, but have grown in almost all systems but Aero. Thank you for sharing Monterello.


Active Member
Well my intentions were to get as much bud as possible in the shortest amount of time. I would love to do dwc but i don't have experience with it and losing a crop would really hurt my life situation right now.thanks for listening! Lol bongsmilie


Active Member
here a more accurate look of what 3-4 oz indoor plants look like... these also weren't topped like urs.... 6 weeks into a 8 week bloom cycle..
what a sloppy looking plant, so many leaves and so little bud. If i grew my plants that size they'd look better and i would get a half a pound off it. I know because ive done it.


Active Member
1363457539790.jpgthis is what a vegged for 1 month half pound plant looks like express. over 8 zips dry. why don't your plants look better? is it because your full of shit?


I dont know whats up lately, but it seems like every other thread is just full of little pissing matches... KInda counter productive to what this site is suppose to be about. That being said, nice grow monterello. I like what your doing. What kind of CO2 system are you using, and what are you using to control it?

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
The summer heat is getting to us all latley. Y'all should meet up and let the bud battle it out not you guys. Who ever has the best bud gets bragging rights.