30 Days into Flowering!!!!


Active Member
Im 30 days into flowering now and i think she is looking good, maybe better :)
Not the greatest setup but its working alright.

What do you guys think??

Love this site so many helpful tips and tricks

Thanks Guys!!image(1).jpegimage.jpeg


New Member
plant looks good how much lighting are you useing ?? i think you should put more lights in there


Active Member
Thanks!! I have 2 power strips with 100w 2700k clfs each strip has 3 bulbs attached to it. Friend of mine gave me a gro-light but its on 6400k spectrum. Think i should throw that in there as well?


Well-Known Member
that looks nice and healthy and it deserves more light, she will repay you with much better buds

under some little flo 100-200watt its gonna only give you 1oz if your lucky .. give it a 250 or 400w hps you should get around 2-3 oz from it depending on the size of the plant of course .. so yeh giving that healthy plant proper lighting could increase the yield by upto 300% or so :)


Active Member
Ill look into the HPS light for sure. Would it be a good idea to mix what i have now for lighting with the gro light i was given?

The lighting is the worst part of all this. Being in a apt limits my choices for certain things like lighting, have to go cheap and under radar

Charlie Who?

Active Member
I cant even see those little bitty thumbnails pics, LOL. But my grow is about 28 days now and my buds are about 4-5 inches long. Yours about the same?



New Member
ita all about lighting if you can add as much as you can without getting into heating issues heres 1000 watts day 18 pics from flipping into flower see with power what can be achieved



Well-Known Member
you really need to get the extra light on that plant now, no time to waste, at 30days
you can pick up a 250w/400 HPS very cheap these days, it will be worth it

a few pics of my plants at 4 weeks, under proper HPS lighting hopefully this will encourage you to invest in a real light :)



Well-Known Member
I cant even see those little bitty thumbnails pics, LOL. But my grow is about 28 days now and my buds are about 4-5 inches long. Yours about the same?
Hey Charlie,
No offence mate - but you do know you can click on the thumbnail to get a bigger version, right? :)


New Member
a few pics of my plants at 4 weeks, under proper HPS lighting hopefully this will encourage you to invest in a real light :)
My thoughts too. Either he induced flowering too young and just behind or not enough light, 4 weeks should be buds filling the stems up unless its like an 80+ day strain.

You are on the right track, don't get discouraged just adapt, adjust or correct and learn brother. Peace.


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree with everyone. The more light (lumens) you put out.. the happier the plant will be. It'll also make the plant much more dense.. instead of looking bare.. which is kinda how yours are currently looking. It's not necessarily a bad thing.. but it will hurt your yield.

Also, it looks like that plant is getting any air circulation?? You should REALLY add a fan.. in order to get the plant to move with the wind from the fan a little bit.. which in return will really help the plant build up its strength and help the main stem and branches build up strength and get bigger.. which it will need because once the plant starts flowering.. the extra weight from the buds.. will really weight the branches/plant down with the extra weight from the developing buds. Last thing you want, is a plant that can't support itself or its buds.

So, if you can.. get more light in there.. and also put a fan in there to get some air moving.

good luck buddy!


Active Member
Ok guys i changed out some of the lighting and now my buds are starting to look like this......I wanna cut a sample bud off but what i want to know is...Will it hurt the plant? Where should i take the tester bud from? Or should i just harvest and enjoy?? Been reading and more the i do more confusing it gets....Just looking for an opinion



Well-Known Member
you really need to get the extra light on that plant now, no time to waste, at 30days
you can pick up a 250w/400 HPS very cheap these days, it will be worth it

a few pics of my plants at 4 weeks, under proper HPS lighting hopefully this will encourage you to invest in a real light :)
Damn bro u convinced me and I have pretty decent lighting 1 200w cfl 2 150w cfl 1 100w cfl now I want bps but the damn hood u plug the bulb into cost so much! I can get 1000w bulbs for $4.89 but the base is 2-300! Smh