30 days....is it going to make it or should I start over??


Well-Known Member
that miracle grow soil mayb ur problem! it has timed release nutreints in em that burn pot plants later on in life as they dont kik in right away hense thr TIMED release


Active Member
okay in the mean time I have rinsed the soil and drained it so will get soil monday from nursery whats the nute ratio we want? I have food that is 15-30-15.
is one bag of that enough for a 5 gallon bucket?
Do I need to mix with anything...perlite etc...


Well-Known Member
wat ever ratio u use just start 1/4 of a dose then next to 1\2 a dose then 3/4 and then full just so u dont stress them with sumthin that is suppose to promote growth, not stunt it! hahahaa:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
that plant is way to small for 30 daze old.. looks like a week old.. lighting must be the culprit..

yes you should add perlite to ur soil to help with drainage


Active Member
hmmm guess I'll get the fox farms and start another plant but I will not give up on this one... it is too good smoke! thanks for the help! why does my name have stranger after it thats crazy....


Well-Known Member
Kill it or put it aside because it's so stressed out it might not even live much longer.

Grab that five gallon container. Throw away the peat moss and seed starting mix, you don't need it. Mix the bucket with the Miracle Grow potting soil and 30% perlite. Next you'll need to flush the soil with 10-15 gallon of water. Grab some new seeds, let them sit in a cut of water for 1-2 hours, then sow them into the soil. Don't put them in very deep. Just enough to cover them.

Wait a few days before you water again. When you see the soil change colors, pour a shot glass of water around the seed. Make a little circle around it. After about a week or two it's going to pop up. If you want to give it anything, you can give it carbonated water that's room temperature. Once it's a 6-12 inches tall, give it sprinkle of dry worm casting (a tablespoon) on top of it and continue watering 2-3 times a week. 1 cup of water should be enough until it's 2 feet tall. Eventually it'll get real droopy, and you just give it an extra cup of water. By then you should know your plant. Give it a teaspoon of worm casting once every 2 or 3 weeks.

One more thing...

If your doing this indoors, grab the highest wattage CFL you can get your hands on. At Home Depot, look for the biggest CFL they have. They have a cool white 64watt (the box says 200 watt, but it really aint). Keep the light 2-3 inches away from the plant. This one light blub should get you through the first month or two until it's 2ft. Pretty soon you'll need to get more lighting. Once it's 3 feet, take it outside and let it flower. Remember to harden if off slowly.


Active Member
Awesome thanks so much...heres a couple things I have a 400 watt hps I just bought from HTG supply...I also have the cool white floro I also have another floro that emits a reddish light they said it was for vegative growth..anyway please keep in touch ,I will keep updating my progress I am also getting a fridge for my box ...awesome idea for stealth... Again thanks for the good advice...


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks so much...heres a couple things I have a 400 watt hps I just bought from HTG supply...I also have the cool white floro I also have another floro that emits a reddish light they said it was for vegative growth..anyway please keep in touch ,I will keep updating my progress I am also getting a fridge for my box ...awesome idea for stealth... Again thanks for the good advice...
The reddish fluro would be better for flowerin:bigjoint: but i would just get rid of that plant now and start over


Well-Known Member
im new at this myself i just wanted to say i started out with the MG package and the shit is killing my plants...I went and bought some fox farm and transplanted 2 and kept 3 in MG...the ones in the fox farm even after the shock of transplant are showing nice growth after a couple days compared to the ones left in MG...Fox Farms the shit expensive but to me its worth it like homie said up there you gonna pay $10 a seed pay $20 for a proper place to grow the thing. just my 2 cents good luck...


Active Member
okay stay tuned then my friends and help me make my dream stay alive!
I appreciate all the info ...
much respect my partners of the plant...power to the plant my friends...
I'm off to find ph testers and worm castings .
two seeds are germinating as we speak.


Active Member
you dont need expensive soil you just need to stop over feeding it. your burning the hell out of it with nutes it looks like. the picture in my avatar was 6 days old when taken i havent used a single thing besides water and a splash of urine 1 time. and my soil is not expensive i got a 6$ 20lb bag of some stuff i thought was potting soil turns out its organic crop builder whatever that is. anyways i mixed that 2 parts with 1 part yard dirt and 1 part perlite and a little leftover vermi whatever


Well-Known Member
hmmm guess I'll get the fox farms and start another plant but I will not give up on this one... it is too good smoke! thanks for the help! why does my name have stranger after it thats crazy....
you earn points for making threads, posting replies on other peoples threads, and other things. the more you post the more points you get and your level goes up, then you move up from stranger to learning how to roll. also try adding friends and joining social groups.


Active Member
i think the only problem with miracle grow is people overwatering and causing it to over feed. sure its cheap whatever blah blah but it didnt become a name brand commercial planting product from putting out garbage that kills anything you plant in it......


Active Member
Rinsed soil and threw some rocks in the bottom for better drainage...can the 5 gallon buckets be white ? Light can't get to the roots can it?
Kinda sad starting over ...sucks really...


Well-Known Member
honestly their is no point in starting over if you dont change your set up! no offense, but my plants look like that in about 4 days max. Check out my plants at 20 days old in my journal.


Active Member
I put my 400watt hps on my plant as a last chance saloon and I literaly sat and watched as the leaves slowly stood up and are now reaching for the light ...too bad I started those other seeds I only want one plant @ a time until I get it right...and this is in unrinsed mixed soil watered and drained it a few times but we'll see .temps are being kept @ 78 -82 Remarkable its like growing in front of my eyes 1 question right now...how close to the light?...I have it at about 5 inches !


Active Member
honestly their is no point in starting over if you dont change your set up! no offense, but my plants look like that in about 4 days max. Check out my plants at 20 days old in my journal.
I changed two variables ...light and tempature from the light...
I brought out my 400 watt hps as a latch ditch effort and the thing is growing in front of my eyes those single leaves that dryed and crumbled got burnt I believe by misting the leaves...I found out thats a no-no unless you have some nozzle.
but anyway I appreciate the feedback ..I knew I had to change something ...its not like I'm sending them on suicide missions I wanted to do 1 @ a time for that reason...well two more are gonna be ready to plant in about three days...
Thanks again:leaf: